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Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
ACI users of the World Unite.

Try the WWW below, and if you think that some thing similar would be helpful to ACI Users(IT would increase my productivity at least two appraisals a day with only adding a part time office person) please write MR. G. O.


I hate to change, but productivity is EVERYTHING today.

Hopefully-ed in arkansas
Judge for yourself whether Pocket TOTAL is worthy of all the talk. There's
no sign up process or anything to download. It's quick and there's absolutely
no obligation.

Click this link to start right now:


SORRY FOR the omission.(from arkansas you know)
I bought and used ACI's Mobile Appraiser for a while but came to the conclusion that without a sketching program the time savings were just not worth it. Where the hell is the APEX program, that A LA Mode is using, for ACI intergration!!!! I have asked ACI but got no good answer. I know you can buy Pocket Total and use it and convert it into ACI but this seems like the long way around. I have tried A LA Mode twice over the years but could not make the adjustment.
Dear Frederick,
Each appraiser has their own method etc.

I have inspected over 7,500 houses, and having been a draftsman at Boeing, in the field I only gather enough diminisions to finish in the office-its a little cooler(warmer)there and much more confortable. Except for the free hand drawing on the screen for me field Apex is useless.

When field data came out, i calculated that it was only a 7 minute saving in the field. HOWEVER THAT is not where the saving is.

The saving for me (I hope, because I a switching from ACI to Total) is that our normal method of inspecting is from 2-6 properties at a time, Thats the way they come in. Thus they are all due one day. Before i get them out, more have come in. Really I am thankful for the business, but not productive enough.

Thus, Field Total appears to be the answer.

Thus, if everthing works as planned, upon arriving back at the office, all the field data will be in the desktop via cell phone.

The next step is to pull all my comps on a laptop, and after inspection, upload the comp # for that property. Since almost all of my adjustments are the same for each price range, hopefully upon arrival back at the office , the office person will have the appraisal done.

I really believe by that method we can increase our production by about $1,000./week.

Thats enough to make me figure a way to get it to work. Others are doing it, so can I.

Thus, good by ACI, it was good to know you. I simply cannot let a potiential $50,000 /year compel me to stay faithful to their system.

Will keep you posted of the progress(or failure)

Hopeful in Arkansas.

if your in the "Poultry Capital of the World" where the heck did you find 7500 houses :?: and 2-6 per day, ok the lower end of the scale i understand, but 6 inspections a day - not in my area, even if they were drive by's - and lastly, why are they all due one day later :?: Why not 2 days :?: maybe it's just me :?

Dear Jotta,

This area has 300,000 population, home of Wal-Mart, Tysons, JB Hunt, etc,

I am 68 so the 2-6 inspections a day is down a bit. Our total output is about 10 per week at present(me to appraise and wife to proof)

Usually 1 is a Relo and they go faster.

We usually have 5 days, but the fact remains all are due at once. If I get 2 out per day and on the 3rd day 2-6 come in it starts all over again.

Most of my work is RELO and Repos, most assignments come in on appraisal port and rarely ever a phone call, All go EDI.

After 26 years of this stuff, I know most of the builders and have seen most of the houses go up, so that is some advantage.

Ed in the sticks of arkansas.
Frederick said:

Where the hell is the APEX program, that A LA Mode is using, for ACI intergration!!!! I have asked ACI but got no good answer. I know you can buy Pocket Total and use it and convert it into ACI but this seems like the long way around


Pocket Apex was written for pocket PC machines while ACI Mobile is for Palm based systems. The machines look similar but they are two separate operating systems (similar to Mac vs. Windows operating systems).

Pocket Total will not currently convert to ACI -- from what I understand ACI would need to do a bit of programming to get Pocket Total to integrate with ACI. If you look for some earlier posts, you'll see I had researched this issue when Pocket Total was first released and at that time ACI was not interested in this integration. I have sort of lost interest because although I'm still using ACI, the company I work for is in the process of allowing appraiser to switch to WinTotal if they would like so for me it has become a "non-issue".

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