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ACI tech support

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Edward OConor

Apr 27, 2006
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New York
I was having a problem sending a report to LXX.

I was using a new 6 interior photo page and told the rep that I thought that this might be the problem.

Within 20 min I got a call from ACI tech. They got an email from LXX.

What ******es me off is that if I had made the call to tech support I'd still be on hold.

This just reinforces that the actual users of their software are 2nd class as far as they are concerned.
Golden Rule.
Them That Has The Gold Rules.
Golden Rule.
Them That Has The Gold Rules.

How stupid do they think we are? I called LXX back, they tried to convince me that eventhough they have a dedicated tech support with ACI (AT THEIR BECK AND CALL) they didn't know that there were new photo pages avilable.

I was having a problem sending a report to LXX.

I was using a new 6 interior photo page and told the rep that I thought that this might be the problem.

Within 20 min I got a call from ACI tech. They got an email from LXX.

What ******es me off is that if I had made the call to tech support I'd still be on hold.

This just reinforces that the actual users of their software are 2nd class as far as they are concerned.

Why are you using a vendor who treats you as 2nd class when there are other options available?

Just sayin'...
Haven't had a tech support contract with ACI in 4 years. Never have a problem.
Haven't had a tech support contract with ACI in 4 years. Never have a problem.

I can count on one hand how many times I called for support in 10 years.

I still don't but if the AMC cannot keep their software updated how am I supposed to know?
I have been using Wintotal for 10 years..just started with a company using ACI and I work remotely....and I have never been so frustrated...definitely in my humble opinion the "dial up" of appraisal software compared to Wintotal. I know I'm USED to Wintotal and I know it very well, but ACI support?? They aren't available 24 hours a day like Wintotal is and I'm under the gun and now I have to drive 30 miles to the office to upload something that I evidentally can't do remotely...too late to call anyone for help...thanks ACI tech support!!!
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