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ACI users: Client Fields // top of forms

Should ACI add two spaces on upper left?

  • Yes - this would solve a problem

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - I think it will make me work harder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who cares? I could not care less about my client's needs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't use ACI and could care not less

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Farm Gal

Elite Member
Jan 14, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
Please Call Write Complain to ACI and any 'national' lenders to ask ACI to change their file format on the printed reports to include 2 more fields (preferably to be inserted into the upper left corner of forms)

The program currently auto-populates our appraisers internal file number (which generally relates to the DOS file number), and ONE identifier for the client...on the upper right of most forms. Some appriasers use internally searchable identifers rather than client only numeration.

Some clients want two or more identifiers... leaving the appriaser to stuff numbers into name fields, or forcing us to erradicate the internal number which if someone calls with a question permits us to locate the file quickly within our filing system.

As an example if a national firm orders a FHA appraisal for thier client firm: there could ideally be MY file #, End client's internal number or identifier, FAH number AND the middleman's number.

Since there are potentially another two 'spaces available' on the upper left AND since the Track program gives you the options for File#, Case#, Cleint file # and Tracking#, WHY NOT USE THEM!!!
:!: :!:

:x Totally frustrated with clients insisting that we use two or three of thier numbers leaving no space for our internal own! :evil:

LA; haven't had many requests for any particular "File#" on the reports, other than ERC stuff; if they ask I'll put it in the block above mine in the upper right corner.

LOLA- one of my favorite tunes back in the day :D
I had never posted a poll on this fancy new software before and unfortunately set the time frame far too small

The above results are NOT valid as a sample of the ACI users on this forum!

Lee Ann Patterson
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