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Adobe Software Is Getting Too Expensive - Shares Drop


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2017
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser

I have a different take on this. I, too, have to do more budget cutting, and my $59.99/month (or about $7,200 over 10 years) subscription to Adobe Creative Suite has been on the chopping block for some time. Now with the new versions of Affinity Publisher 2, Photo 2, and Design 2, I have decided to finally cancel my longtime subscription to Adobe.

The three Affinity packages can be purchased for a one time charge of $164.99. Now understand, that when they eventually come out with Affinity 3, they will probably want some kind of upgrade fee. Going from Affinity V1 to V2 is $123.74. That is maybe once in 5 years or so. So Affinity will cost about $300 over 10 years vs $7,200 for Adobe Creative Suite.

Yes, you might say, but Adobe Creative Suite has many other packages bundled, to which I reply: Most of the Adobe packages I don't use that much. My main use was for InDesign (which is dropping away as I have started using Latex with TeXstudio), Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Premier.

But, on top of the high quality Affinity packages, Apple is providing:

Apple Final Cut Pro (one time charge $299.00) - which I got for free 10 years ago when I had a contract for Apple. The newest version can replace Adobe Premiere.
Apple Logic Pro which currently has a one-time charge of $199.00 replaces the Adobe Audition sound editor.
Apple's new Pixelmator Pro also replaces Adobe's Illustrator and has a one-time charge of $49.99.
Apple's new free Photomator which targets Adobe's Photoshop.

- plus Apple's built in MacOS software.

And of course, I am sure you know of many other high quality software products for photo editing that are pretty cheap.

The software with one-time charges beat out the subscriptions, generally speaking.

ALSO, with AI, high quality software is getting cheaper to write. I think we are seeing this with the new Affinity products. (By the way the British company was recently taken over by the the Australian company "Canva")

Will the cost of appraisal software go down? Hmmmm.
One of the biggest benefits of Adobe that I've availed myself of is its fillable PDF functionality and the ability to convert to Word, etc. AI can do both now very easily.

I have a different take on this. I, too, have to do more budget cutting, and my $59.99/month (or about $7,200 over 10 years) subscription to Adobe Creative Suite has been on the chopping block for some time. Now with the new versions of Affinity Publisher 2, Photo 2, and Design 2, I have decided to finally cancel my longtime subscription to Adobe.

The three Affinity packages can be purchased for a one time charge of $164.99. Now understand, that when they eventually come out with Affinity 3, they will probably want some kind of upgrade fee. Going from Affinity V1 to V2 is $123.74. That is maybe once in 5 years or so. So Affinity will cost about $300 over 10 years vs $7,200 for Adobe Creative Suite.

Yes, you might say, but Adobe Creative Suite has many other packages bundled, to which I reply: Most of the Adobe packages I don't use that much. My main use was for InDesign (which is dropping away as I have started using Latex with TeXstudio), Photoshop, Lightroom, Adobe Premier.

But, on top of the high quality Affinity packages, Apple is providing:

Apple Final Cut Pro (one time charge $299.00) - which I got for free 10 years ago when I had a contract for Apple. The newest version can replace Adobe Premiere.
Apple Logic Pro which currently has a one-time charge of $199.00 replaces the Adobe Audition sound editor.
Apple's new Pixelmator Pro also replaces Adobe's Illustrator and has a one-time charge of $49.99.
Apple's new free Photomator which targets Adobe's Photoshop.

- plus Apple's built in MacOS software.

And of course, I am sure you know of many other high quality software products for photo editing that are pretty cheap.

The software with one-time charges beat out the subscriptions, generally speaking.

ALSO, with AI, high quality software is getting cheaper to write. I think we are seeing this with the new Affinity products. (By the way the British company was recently taken over by the the Australian company "Canva")

Will the cost of appraisal software go down? Hmmmm.

Dropped Adobe years ago for Affinity Photo 2. For appraising, and even for some other cool things, it's all you'll need.
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