The anti-virus issues aren't "conflicts" as much as thas they are just plain slowdowns due to the nature of appraisal files. Norton and the others aren't inferior in any way, nor are we blaming them for anything -- other than dramatically slowing down WinTOTAL.
The reason is simple and makes perfect sense. From the very beginning, we've always compressed each appraisal into a zip file, called a ZAP (zipped appraisal package), so that all of the pieces of the report -- photos, forms, addenda, faxes, field notes, maps, etc. -- are in one container. The biggest advantage is that with everything in one file, you know that you can copy it, e-mail it, back it up, etc. and never be missing pieces of it which were "left behind". That also, combined with the Digital Workfile feature (which can store you paper notes, etc.), makes it the only USPAP-compliant digital storage method for appraisals.
Anyway, anti-virus programs tend to think that they need to scan every file of every type, especially zips, and they scan the entire zip every time anything is read from it or written to it. That gets painfully slow, and can even cause WinTOTAL to die if it "holds up" a zap too long while it's trying to read or write to it.
If you can configure your AV program to ignore ZAP files -- it's impossible for a ZAP to have a virus anyway, since it's got no executable code in it -- then you can have it protecting you without having it slow everything down.
Dave Biggers
a la mode, inc.
P.S. Bill -- thanks for the support on our server reliability. I really appreciate it.