I had already called and paid for the apex upgrade. They told me that it woulb be sent 2/1/2002. Then I downloaded update 35.02 and there was notice about the beta version of apex 2.0 that was free until 2/1/2002 included in that update. Maybe, I got it because I had already paid for it.
Now, for the bad news, the program has problems. I just finished drawing a 3,100 SF home on the new apex. When I was finished and tried to close the program to load it into Wintotal, it crashed the whole system. I do complete drawings with interior walls, porchs, patios, pools, icons, etc. Every time I re-booted and did the Wintotal safe start the sketch would not come up. I could hit the sketch/edit button and it would re-loan the entire sketch, but then would crash when I tried to close it. Needless to say, four hours later with alamode tech support on the phone, we were able to determine that the icons were making it crash. I could draw everything except the icons and it would not crash. If I put one icon on the sketch, it would crash. I am waiting for a senior technician to call me on Monday about this issue. So, don't fret about not having it yet. If a program has any bugs, you can count on me to find it. Aren't I lucky. I did figure out that if I clone a report and use the transfer data on a new report, that instead of drawing a new sketch I could hit the edit/sketch button, delete the whole sketch and re-draw it with everything. Somehow, when I do it that way, the program pulls up my old apex 1.6 version which is still on my system. Now, who would have thought that would work? I hope your download goes better.