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Alamode software wish list

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Dave and Mike,

I like Alamode and would just like to add a few wishes now and a few more later.

I get your current updates and then I have to reregister Athena or Pocket Total. This is a real hassle and ticks me off when I have owned both for years and am current with my tech support agreement.

I can not see who my clients are and their addresses fully in the tiny drop down box provided. This is used on every report and what could be more important. Yet who ever designed this aspect of athena can not be a practicing appraiser.

The whole way of setting up a job takes to long and I do not not like being forced to do things because some larger shops require tons of security, steps ,etc..

I should not be limited in doing things and have to go through extra steps and passwords on every appraisal when I am a one appraiser shop. I want to opt out of all this unneccessary security for my signature, etc. and
have the least number of key strokes possible. I have carpal tunnel from all this every day.

The 2055 form has errors in the E&O check due to multiple neighborhoods single family and condo. Also, how do I get the summary report to not print on 2055 but always print on my URAR forms.

Why does a 0 get added to the end of my pdf file name very often when no 0 was ever entered after the file name?

Why does my screen jump where I do not want it to in pocket total when I enter a word in some fields but not others I know about the critical fields.
I do not want the whole URAR form in pocket total for the URAR just what I need to inspect in the field.

It is difficult to draw large home sketches in field pad. Can this be fixed?

Why can't I use sketcher with win total I do not like apex.

Why must I answer questions about apex with every single update?

Why are my athena icons missing from a previous update where they just disappeared. Why can't I get a new disk with a full working program and no betas in it sent to me to correct this problem.

Why do I always have to click ok about removing the pocket total file after sync I know already. Do you get surgeon kick backs for carpal tunell?:)

I do not know exactly where I stand everyday in real time what is owed me and who owes me what. I do not know easily how many appraisals I am doing every day week month and year to date vs last quarter and year ago on one screen. How do I get everything I need to run my business as efficiently as possible.

Why must I build quick lists for each form why doesnt the program know the same quick list items should apply to each form with only a few minor differences rather than making you start from scratch on each form.

I am glad to hear of the new updates comming keep up the good work but what about my items concerns,etc. I have more.

Please have an appraisal focus group work on appraisal updates of real working fee appraisers from both one appraiser shops and multiappraiser shops and alow us to set up athena either as a one person shop or a multiappraiser shop. Keep all key strokes to an absolute minimum for one appraiser shops.

Video tapes an DVDs are cheap please do less expensive instructional
tapes or dvds so we can afford them and then we will call in less. Or use the net with windows media with free learning clips.

These are a few wish list items. I will send more as time permits.

Thanks for listening and I await patiently for your replies.

Please do not make them marketing replies.

Thanks, I greatly appreciate your feedback.

great tread!

Does alamode think they are Bill Gates? or what.

Olympus great product(few bugs) but the income stream would stop for Alamode, tell everyone its not safe on the net its not stable, you must upgrade!
WHY, ITS ONLY AN APPRAISAL?, let someone steal it off the net why would anyone want to steal it?
Switch to Athena, lighthouse not compatible, another upgrade $500? i think. Nickel and dime the appraisers to death.
No other software vendors that I am aware of have taken this approach.
Not to mention PAYING for training as mentioned before-its only an appraisal, why re-invent it?

I will use Olympus for as long as I can. Stopped using DOS alamode just
1 1/2 years ago, I bet I could still get by with it if I needed to.
I can't believe this! I thought nearly everyone in this forum used the latest versions of alamode based on Alamodes market share and we would get 459 replies to my post for improvements. Where are all the callers to tech support. This was very enlightening for me.

I really appreciate everyone who replied.

Thanks Very Much!

No, Larry, the $145 was the charge for an additional user to attend the whole seminar. That was my point. We can't monitor the seminars on an hour-by-hour basis, and that's why we don't offer a "one-session-only" price. The $145 is for an additional user, for the whole seminar, which is the only way we can accomodate those who want to bring an office manager, spouse, occasional associate, etc.

Thanks for your insight Dave. You may have read my post but you paid little attention to what it said. You have now convinced me that when the time comes to renew, I will reduce my platinum membership to either a gold or silver membership. I will save $350 to $450 per year. But you have stuck to your guns.
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