Sure wish my Instructor's would have gone into more detail about the potentials of future income, etc.
Since I am one of those sending the many resumes you are receiving it is mutually frustrating. The fact that it took so long for OREA just to get me a test day, etc. doesn't bode very well either.
And, unfortunately, I, like many others who came out of the Information Technology field are experiencing the result of a truly discouraging employment market (all the way around.) After 23 years of hard work to become a Manager in my former occupation, I can't even find a job opening that 3,000 other IT folks haven't sent in resumes for.
While I truly appreciate your honesty, my point is....what do we have to lose by pursuing Appraisal? It doesn't get much worse then being a single parent with mouths to feed and no job prospects. And, if your going to work for minimum wage in the interim you might as well hang on unemployment (and we wonder why people get stuck in that rut.)
The shear magnitude of the umeployment numbers is enough to make you give up. I have a real estate sales license so I understand the market shift. But, I must tell you, I have also seen Realtors who never take "no" for an answer and are successful despite the reality of any market.
From where I stand, fighting for a job in Appraisal isn't much different then fighting for a job in IT. Call me a fool, but I am pinning my aspirations on just making ends meet as an Appraiser so that I can at least get up every morning, no matter how bad the world gets, and love going to my job!