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And Another One Tells Us What We Do - maybe

“Longer to do the appraisal” is the key issue. I guess if you have the time go for it. But when the owner is talking into my ear, I either have to ignore him (which is impolite) or give my full attention (which takes me away from my job.)
Which is why gave us two eyes and two ears.
Which is why gave us two eyes and two ears.
I would like to give you a test. Try to watch and listen to two TVs playing different programs at the same time. See how that works.
I would like to give you a test. Try to watch and listen to two TVs playing different programs at the same time. See how that works.
Good response. Right now I have one ear on the Chief's spanking the Texans, while the other ear is listening to the cat meowing and both eyes are rotating between two monitors. Have done appraisal inspections for 35 years and have learned to adapt the process to each situation. Prefer that no one is there but if there are agents or owners on site, seems that more than not they spill something that I may have not observed or found out on my own during the inspection.
I tell em the truth that "I love to talk. I'd rather talk with you then measure the house or take photos. But it's your responsibility to make sure I don't talk, because if I do, i always forget to measure the home, or take photos, or make notes, etc. When that happens I must return again, and charge you again. Plus if you helpe measure you'll try to send me an invoice. So let's make a deal: Ill work independently without talking to you, Then we can chat so you can tell me about factors--both good n bad of which I might be unaware because I'm at a disadvantage never having been here before. Always works. Also establishes a rapport because they know you're sincere, and the depregatory sense of humor Always establishes the type of personal relationship that I personally cherish, or as it's often referrer to as "Public Trust." [Estimated 30% of my last 1000 assignments reveal an OV less than the preconceived ideal--but Nobody ever complains.
Big urban, last bunch of years mostly all rehabd empty row homes. You seen 1 you seen them all. When there is an owner i tell them that the photos will be on the local 6 pm news.
I do like meeting the dog of the house with a butt scratch. And like it when they follow me to each room. Watching an older dog go slowly up the steps reminds me of myself.
I came up with a "clingy homeowner worksheet". If they followed and constantly interrupted I would whip out this questionnaire and ask them to fill it out making sure to point out any items they wanted me to be aware of.

I liked when a good Realtor was there to deflect and allow me to do my job. That can backfire tho... On one occasion a Realtor was constantly making snide, belittling remarks about appraisers and their part in the process. Obviously directed at me and ensuring I heard every word. Not sure what she was trying to accomplish with that. Finally I approached the homeowner and told him I was leaving and cancelling the assignment because the Realtor (who I pointedly ignored) had created a hostile environment potentially introducing a bias. I left as they started yelling...the Realtor at me and the homeowner at the Realtor. Good times.
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If you walk really fast and change directions, they can't keep up.
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