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Any info on FHA appraisal classes in So Cal?

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Tim The Enchanter

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Does anyone have any info on FHA appraisal classes in Southern California? I've tried searching on line, and the only thing I could find, so far at least, is a home study thing from Acheson Appraisal.

I would rather take a "live" class, but it needs to be within the next month. I guess an online or home study would be OK if I can't find a live class.

Any ideas? :?
8) Get together at least 20 people and I will come out and do it. I have done 2(1999) in California. It would be a 2 day event.

Don Clark

Just got a postcard from the appraisal academy (www.appraisalacademy.com) for an FHA course April 15th in West Sacramento. Might be more of a drive than you wanted. It is a 4 hour seminar with 3 additional 1/2 day seminars (residential topics, but not specific. FHA) available on the 15th & 16th. Don't know of any other FHA course being offered anytime soon in the northern part of the state.

Carolyn Gjerde-Tu
San Francisco East Bay
TE, I see the AI has a course online. Might be good. Not finding a whole lot local.

Don, nice thought, doubt if I will have that many people though.

Carolyn, yeah that would be a longer drive in 1 direction than the 4 hr class.
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