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Anybody Get the "STARS" Memo?

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Go Richard. I haven't received the fax likely due to being in a rural area. I have heard however from the inside that Stars would soon be "getting more for less". I don't think it is at all a function of the refinance cycle, it is a straight business decision. I have been doing work for STARs for a long time and charge accordingly for generally complex assignment. I don't do reduced fee work for anybody. If I have to reduce my fees I might just as well "do nails"--you can make good money "doing nails"...................................................................................................The front line are clerks however--and the turnover is unreal.
Doug in NC

It is quite possible Stars relo work has been taken over. I have done relo work for them for 20 years now. This past couple of weeks I have received a call from three companies about a relo assignment I thought would be coming from Stars for a USFS employee. They are a hugh office with constant change. The guy in charge of relo's for the past 4 or so years was let go last month.

The only work I have done through them is VA Appraisals. Believe it or not they even try to control that process, not fees but other stuff like timeliness. They also want an up front amount including final inspection fees, appointment dates, etc. I just ignore them.

Virginia Beach, VA
"Life is a beach"
Yes, the relocation work that used to be ordered by Stars is now ordered by Fidelity and they will accept .pdf files. Just finished one last week using the new ERC form with my new software--was a fun time.
Jo Ann....Yeah, fun it is! I've been enjoying that for awhile, but....I have so many exhibits for an ERC that I have to split the file in two parts to send it. Do you do that? I'm over 4MB on these and it's too fat to fly. Just can't squeeze them down!
My ERC had a total of 23 pages, was 1,369 KP (I don't know how many MBs that would be). In Adobe Acrobat PDF Writer I have the resolution set to 300DPI, JPEG High selected, CCITT Group 4 selected. Haven't heard any complaints from any clients. Now using Nova by Day One and the files are smaller in Nova than they were in Day one with the same settings in Acrobat PDF Writer. My copies on my HP2200 are also at 300 DPI and they look fine to me.
Sure beats 1988 when I had the self feeding URAR forms I had to line up in the Matrix printer, make copies, stick arrows, collate and take the thing to the post office! Now if we could only get the lenders to pay us as quick as we get these out now...... :lol:
Thass it I wanna go back to the old ways...

:cry: Baww! :cry:

I am retyping for the THIRD time an appraisal on my whiz bang can't fail confuser... don't ASK my why or how I hit majic keystrokes to set the back up system to off, nor why/how I blew up the original, all I know is I have a VERY VERY agitated client. and this makes me not happy.

any bets I have to wait for payment also?!?!?!
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