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Anyone Charge for BS Addendums???

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graindart, I will second airphoto's obvious remark. His suggested one or two-liner comment is just what you should have done. Clearly they wanted, and they needed, and so long as you were obligating yourself to fall in line with the b.s. about the list history of the property then you should have put his desire to the test. The original fee, plus the late charge, plus the new ( be it perhaps, minimal) fee for the addendum page comes to you first. Remind him that an over-nighted payment, in form of cashier's or bank check will aid him in getting what he needs as soon as possible. Ask him for his overnight delivery account #, if a fax of that page, after payment received, is sufficient. If there is a "next time", find out who wears the bigger belt buckle there and speak to him or her directly, and avoid this desparate individual.

Why not just grid out a few of their comps and come in even LOWER? Probably a large location adjustment out there.

Brad Ellis, IFA,RAA
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