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Anything new from SFREP / Appraise-It?

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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2005
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Certified Residential Appraiser
Been about a decade since I've used them, but it's finally time for me to update my software. I see that they are web based now, but I've also been reading about something new that they are coming out with (traditional desktop cd or download maybe)?

Anybody have any insights to offer before I contact sales?
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Their new software is available now. I'm still on the old version because I'm too busy to do the switch right now. They have a trial.
I have been using SFREP forever. They've talked about web-based, but I've not seen it. I wished they'd clean up the half dozen bugs that have been present for years, but programmers always seem to want to work on something new, like "BuildFax" that no one will ever use. I like that I can run basic programs still and export the data to excel, but am told with new forms they won't have that feature. I'm usually the last to upgrade with each version.

Web-based would be a nice feature, as long as its fast.
Web or cloud based would be fine as long as you still have stand alone capability. It would suck if you couldn't work because some server went down. SFREPs' excuse for not fixing bugs for the last 10 years is they were working on their new build. We'll see. They are also pretty quick to come out with a proprietary form some bank or AMC wants but are unresponsive to bug fixes or improvements. Finally, they are replacing the photo manager program with what they call image manager. It has less functionalty, the interface sucks and you can't drag and drop maps, plats or anything else. Just photos. When I asked about this and if they could restore that feature all I got was crickets.

The best thing about SFREP is the are not Alamode or ACI.
Their new software is available now. I'm still on the old version because I'm too busy to do the switch right now. They have a trial.
What version are you using and where is the new one? I don't see any version numbers listed on the site. The last one I "trialed" was version 13.5 about 5 years ago and it basically looked exactly the same it did 15 years ago.

I have been using SFREP forever. They've talked about web-based, but I've not seen it.

I don't understand? The site shows monthly subscriptions now for the suite and web applications ... is that not web-based?

I may not be up to speed since I'm used to the traditional method of installing the software from CD or a downloaded zip file.
I take web-based to mean I could use a Google Chrome computer, and not have to use Windows 10. They have a few 'services' which are web based, but not the main appraisal program.
Wilson and SFREP are now combined right?
WCA is no more. They always partnered with SFREP but Phil retired and it just made sense. The version I'm on is 15.4.0. I think they are rolling out the new one in stages. I know you can have both versions running on the same machine. Give them a call if you're interested. The web based stuff right now is maps, flood maps, cost services and some comp service.
Tell them you heard image manager sucks.
I just got the new version a few days ago and I'm giving it a try. It installs easily. It has a nice settings menu that gives me the option of which folder I can save my data/report in. Which means I can run SFREP in a virtual machine and save all my data to the host machine. Which makes for easy backup and data storage. Unlike the mess alamode has had for years. SFREP has an attractive interface, which makes it nice to work inside of. From my short experience the UAD helper is very non-invasive. Infact, its a completely seperate box that sits to the side. There is also a 'Validator' panel that will warn you of UAD errors. Some might like this becaue its out of the way. I'm kind of used to a UAD popup to guide me and I wish the UAD helper was more integrated. Overall it seams nice, but not a game changer. Just a solid re-interpretation of how to do appraisal software. I need to get to know it better before I make the call on switching to SFREP or not. I'm sure some things are a matter of what I am used to. Its always hard to change software.

As far as web based. It seems like I was told in the past that SFREP has no current interest in cloud software. The new software is 64 bit installable software. (First 64bit appraisal software) However they offer a monthly payment plan. Which makes it look like a cloud based software service.
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