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Apex field sketch software

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Frederick -- as I said, choices in desktop software are very personal. Most people choose WinTOTAL. But the XML interface in Pocket TOTAL allows your desktop software to remain whatever you want it to be -- ACI, Bradford, Day One, doesn't matter -- and still use Pocket PC's with Pocket TOTAL and Pocket Apex to do the onsite work. There's really no debate as to whether it saves time over ACI Mobile. It's a full generation ahead of it and offers many more ways to improve efficiency in the field.


cgjerdetu, how do you use the laser measuring device to get exterior measurments?

Edward Berry, I agree with everything you say. I have the ACI mobile and used it for a while ( took some time to rearrange my inspection routine) but did not see a big time savings whin I got back to the office computer. I hope to save about 10 to 15 minutes of sketch time once the software is available. This would make a big difference once multiplied over the year.

Dbiggers, I have tried your product twice and could not convince myself that it was any better or easier then ACI. I have been looking at Homputer software and for the money (less then $200) it seems to do everything I need with out all the bells and whistles (which seem to be the cause of most crashes).

Thanks everybody for responding,
it would seem that there is nothing out there, yet, that is viable with out changing forms software or paying a premium to go through some other forms software to get it into the fnal report.
Thanks to all for your thoughts and info.

TODAY at noon, the mail brought a six page, color flyer that would have answered many questions.

Looks like happy days are in near future, ball is in my court.

ed in Arkansas.

I just got a Disto Classic Laser measuring device. It's a fairly pricey toy, but it is way up there on the COOLNESS factor. This is a laser device, not sonic and can be used to measure outdoors. There is an appraiser discussion group started by Matt Johnson of appraiserdepot. In the files section there are a number of good reference materials that go into detail how the laser works and how an appraiser can use this tool.

You can find out more about the discussion group at:

Anyone who is tired of crawling around bushes, etc. this is a viable alternative.

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