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Appraisal Institute Controversy

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It’s looking increasingly dire for the AI. New organizations advocating for appraisers are emerging, and Cindy might be poised to lead them. At this rate, the AI could be left with only the corrupt BGI commercial appraisers and the FOJ.

wasn't dw the AQB chair...and AI approved

Actually, he was at the ASB (Appraisal Standards Board). But to your point, most of the appraiser members of these boards have had organizational experience in their resumes because that's among the skills it takes to operate in an effective manner in that environment.

Service on one of the boards requires the individual to work as part of a group. To collaborate with others, to seek solutions which sometimes consist of a compromise. and to engage in some public speaking, group instruction skills and other socially outgoing functions as part of that job description.

Does that sound like something the average QE fee appraiser with the bare minimum 200hr QE would have
a) such experience with, or​
b) any skill or talent for, or​
c) any desire to participate in that manner?​

No, of course not. So why would you expect an ASB or AQB to consist of a bunch of anti-social or socially-ambivalent solo operators? With no organizational or instructional or public facing skills or experience? Many fee appraisers - myself included - openly admit to liking this line of work in part because we DON'T want to work as part of a group or as part of an organizational hierarchy or engage in unnecessary social conventions. A lot of us are introverted and do better when we're left alone to work...alone.

I couldn't serve on the ASB. I am savvy enough with the material to do it and I have a lot of experience speaking on these topics from a podium but I lack other requisites for the job. And I totally lack the desire to develop those skills. Plus I hate traveling and meetings and wearing the suit. It's easier for me to just run my mouth from my mom's basement.
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you are just fine where you are...pom pomming away for the unethical stakeholders :ROFLMAO:
That's mostly right (except my loyalty is to the profession and to appraisers-as-a-group, not to the bankers).

I am not some deep thinker or thought leader. I'm good at teaching so that's what I do. I seek to understand the reasons for why things are the way they are so that I can pass that input on to others.
Lie, cheat, steal whatever it takes just gid rid of them. LOL
If you think you have what it takes to out-maneuver the lenders then bless your heart. Appraisers will never have enough resources to buy - and retain - the number of politicians it would take to get what they want from govt.
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