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Appraisal Institute vs. McKissock Trainee Classes

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Freshman Member
Dec 26, 2019
Professional Status
General Public
Hello all,

I am planning to begin the trainee education requirements. The end goal is to go for my Certified General. With that being said, would you suggest going through the Appraisal Institute for trainee classes or McKissock? I have read in a couple places that what AI offers for commercial classes are better. I have also read that sometimes commercial companies will require that you went through the AI classes, not McKissock as part of your training. Can anyone speak to this?

Thanks in advance!
Personally, I don't think it matters for online courses.
It may not matter for online seminars but for actual courses, I suspect there is a difference. That said, I have not taken any McK courses, online or not, just the occasional USPAP, for timing. To the OP, what would you think if you were interviewing two candidates and one took only AI courses and the other took only an alternative? Given your goal, consider that the interviewer may well be designated and not by McK.
Almost all the Mckissock courses are developed by SRAs and MAIs. Plus McKissock is much more user friendly and modern platform than what AI offers online. If taking courses in person in class then you probably want to take AI courses versus your local alternative but online doesn't matter and I might even give the edge to Mckissok.
Take live courses thru AI or ASA...or if agri related through ASFMRA... Forget the on line classes. You need to interact and network with other appraisers and on line is zero way to do it. Whether you go AI or ASA certification, both are old institutions, and ASA is well respected. Likewise, if memory serves we well, ASFMRA (Amer. Soc. of Farm Managers & Rural Appraisers) is the oldest of all organizations. If you do take on line, then take a few basic classes while classes are not available in the lockdown. But then take them over in person when things open up. Meanwhile buy a copy of "The Appraisal of Real Estate" and other basic text books. You can pick up out of date and even current editions of appraisal textbooks from Amazon. Don't try to short cut this process. Build a basic education.
I agree that most courses probably are developed by AI designates. I draw a different conclusion about the getting in the door on the strength of your education record.

Have you taken courses or just continuing ed seminars with McK?
If taking courses in person in class then you probably want to take AI courses versus your local alternative but online doesn't matter and I might even give the edge to Mckissok.
Except if one is planning on obtaining a designation at some point in the future. AI offers designations, McKissock doesn't
I think the qualifying model is all messed up. It should be so that people find a job first and then the candidate goes through the qualifying education with the mentor. Courses at the same time as mentorship.
I have not taken any classes yet. I am prepared to sign up for my QE. I am leaning towards AI given that I want to be a Certified General in the long run.
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