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Appraisal Musings

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Wouldn't it be great if all appraisers took their vacation during the last 2 weeks of August?

Just dreaming.
Hey Blue:

Loosen up. Cut your fee. It doesn’t matter that it is a different house and a different sales agreement in a different neighborhood with different comps and another inspection and all new data to collect. I’m sure they will cut your liability accordingly. After all, you should be on a first name basis with the buyer by now. You know he's a good guy and knows how to write sales agreements that you can get out of. This is no dummy. Be a sport and cut your fee. This buyer really took a hit in his 401k recently and needs the assistance.

And oh yes, I'll bet the order is a RUSH!
Well folks,

I have a brand new policy, I don't care if I ever perform a mortgage lending appraisal again. From now on the only appraisal assignments I am going to take are divorce, and estates etc. etc. I am going back to listing property, it pays better, and is a whole lot easier. If someone calls me with a mortgage assignment, I'll look at, quote them a fee that will be paid in ADVANCE, and do it if they agree to those terms. I don't give a damn if I ever do another one. The mortgage lending business is the lowest class business I have ever seen in my 50 years on this planet.

I have done more than a lot of people to change the system and I can tell you the powers that be don't want to make any waves.

BB in Texas
Got my call today. Newbie, sweet sounding little LO left me a message that she needs an appraisal and wants to know the fee. I called back and left a message, do you need a URAR, 2055 or what? She calls back and says....... I don't know about that UR stuff or them numbers, I just need an appraisal. 8O :roll: Trying to remain nice and hold my :lol: I asked who is the lender? Wells Fargo. Okay, that I almost could have guessed.

Whats up with this? Do they not train people before giving them a stack of loan applications and a phone book for cold calling?
Here's a new one..

Yesterday Realtor Calls: Charlotte, can you call Mr. House at Dumbell Drive? I have that property listed and it won't sell. I told him he needs to DROP THE PRICE and that he needs an appraisal to prove it to him, but he won't listen to me. It should appraise at "X" amount.

Today Realtor Calls: Charlotte, don't call Mr. House at Dumbell Drive. HE DROPPED ME!

Certainly, I wasn't calling Mr. House at Dumbell Drive, anyway!
One call I got was to inform me that appraisers in my area did not know how to appraise such precious property as his own, so I asked in plain language, "So why are you calling me? just appraise it yourself since you are so damn much smarter than the rest of us."

One today, call at 11am (I'm at lawyers) I need my mother's estate appraised. Houston LD. 1 pm - returned call, Oh, I found Ms. XX to do it, I was just in such a hurry.

Chuckle chuckle....honey. That's the appraiser who promises 2 weeks and gets to it in 5 and I KNOW she is leaving at end of week for vacation. Betcha call back about Sept. 15th.......and then guess who will be busy.
It is amazing how my very best clients have LO's and staff who seem to have been there a long time, know how to speak in complete sentences, can carry on an intelligent conversation and have a fair understanding of the appraisal process.

The "Johnny’s First Whiz-Bang Mortgage Broker of the Universe and Washing Machine Repair Service" have staff that sound like a two year old answering the phone, don't know how to listen to what you have to say and don't have a clue what you are talking about. They sound like they had their tongues pierced, issued a new tattoo and fast tracked out of the 3rd grade.

Sometimes, it is a little frustrating to say the least.

ya got New carpet and the doors won't fit - shagadelic :?: :lol: :lol:

To New Clients; we need to establish a "pre-nuptual" agreement before we can move forward with your request, so if you can git me a check ASAP, as soon as it clears will move forward on your order 8O . I like "pre-nups" it establishes the point that I have money before I met you and will also after you leave me high & dry, cause I already got some from you. Oh yeh, my pre-nups are all inclusive "NO RFUNDS" - you start it you own it - good; bad or indifferent :P

We've had TWO clients in the past couple weeks say "Your value came in too low and we can't use the appraisal. Will you refund our money." :roll: Unbelievable!!!
I just got reminded of one of my favorites today on an appraisal order. "The borrower says it should appraise for around $118,000, they say properties around them are selling for $135-145,000." ?????? If they already know what it is worth, why do they need me? If properties are selling for $135-145,000, why is theirs worth only $118,000? Oh, those new homes down the road are selling for $135-140,000 and how does that have a lot of bearing on your 40 year old frame home? Meanwhile, an MLS search shows no sales over $100,000 in your addition.
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