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Appraisal Referral Network

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NJ Valuator

Senior Member
Feb 23, 2003
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New Jersey
thoughts, feedback, personal experience

$20 a month hmm Ive never heard of this site I cant imagine a lot of people are on there nice site though
thoughts, feedback, personal experience

I know this website well. I created it. I send out lots of referral and wanted to create a platform for all appraisers to exchange referrals. Appraisers helping each other. The appraiser who sends the referral earns a referral fee and the appraiser who accepts, sets their own fee with the client and earns 85% of the fee. The 15% is split between the referring appraiser and the website. We have a free membership and paid. Paid you earn a higher referral fee, access to non lender micro lesson, forum, doc library, etc.
$20 a month hmm Ive never heard of this site I cant imagine a lot of people are on there nice site though
Thank you for the design compliment. Site just went live June 1st. So far we have 30 members. Instead of declining an order outside your coverage area or expertise, send it to another appraiser and earn a fee. We have a free membership and paid.
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