"SFR" - got one a while back where they indicated "SFR / Condominium" - and the estimated value was so high, we called to verify what the property really was; three weeks later they still had no clue.
what I can tell you is that in this overactive market be real careful, if they're not clear & precise, turn the job down. Got this one clown who won't spell the person's first name on the order, so I sat on a couple and then turned them back for clarification, man he was smokin and then I said; we have discussed this on several occassions and you still haven't changed, so until I know who it is I'm calling, it goes to the bottom of the pile.
Moral; if they can't take the time to get it right, don't do it - because then they'll try to blame it all on you. Be careful in these times.
"SFR" - got one a while back where they indicated "SFR / Condominium" - and the estimated value was so high, we called to verify what the property really was; three weeks later they still had no clue.
what I can tell you is that in this overactive market be real careful, if they're not clear & precise, turn the job down. Got this one clown who won't spell the person's first name on the order, so I sat on a couple and then turned them back for clarification, man he was smokin and then I said; we have discussed this on several occassions and you still haven't changed, so until I know who it is I'm calling, it goes to the bottom of the pile.
Moral; if they can't take the time to get it right, don't do it - because then they'll try to blame it all on you. Be careful in these times.