<......snip......> In its unanimous decision, the Court of Appeals
disagreed and allowed this case to proceed.
The case opens the door for buyers to sue appraisers even when the appraiser was hired by the lender.
The opinion is based on a residential case, but does this also open the door for commercial litigation as well?
Click here to see the Court's published decision.
The hell it does! The "door" to sue was already wide open! He got sued didn't he? Am I missing something here? Has Blagg been convicted? Has Blagg been found guilty? Post the part where the trial is over and this appraiser was found liable.
Ok, due to all the posts convicting Blagg before any trial is over, I doubt I'll finish reading all the posts in this thread.
Point in fact, at least by what has been offered in this thread, BLAGG IS NOT CONVICTED OF ANYTHING! The decision is simply to allow a case to go forward in order to determine if Blagg did anything wrong or not.
Honestly, having so many posting as if this changes precedents in case law already established from prior finalized cases is just surprising. Ok, Blaggs legal team did not succeed in getting the case squelched. That does not mean it is game over.
The next little point I would like to make is, even if Blagg loses, it's not game over. What our trade does is simply demand copies of sales contracts before we agree to assignments, or agree contingent to the sales contract language. The moment we find such language in a sales contract we............
A) Turn the assignment down;
B) Respond with an engagement contract of our own that causes the lender to indemnify and hold us harmless from the buyer and seller;
C) Respond with a nice lovely contract for the buyers and sellers that causes them to sign away any right of reliance on the appraisal, and acknowledge their unintended use. They indemnify and hold us harmless.... or;
D) we charge $2,000 for the appraisal services to account for the liability involved.
This ain't that tough folks! .... Look for that crap in the sales contracts, if it is in one, turn the assignment down or tell the parties involved, including the fricking lender/client.... guess what?! We have the power of the word..... NO
P.S.. Have I ever posted that it is WAY past time the residential side pulls it's head out of it's kister regarding formal, well written, Engagement Contracts? .. Have I? One thing I think I noticed posted I think I agree with. It is going to take lots of lawsuits before our trade finally decides to grow up and graduate from grade school.