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Appraisers Petition in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

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Don: Your post is the truth. To move forward we are like turtles. A turtle has to put its neck out. Someone is always wacking at it.

Brad Pack: Your full quote is right. I keep getting it mixed up. You know what I'm saying and that is the important point.

Frank: I still think that National NAR makes policy by looking away or doing something. I don't by that they have nothing to do with State policy. If I remember there is something in the constitution that says any policy that is contrary to National NAR can't be carried out unless approved by NAR. (I am parapharasing).
I think that NAR is a fine organization and looks out for its membership, but appraisers are not its core membership... I commend you for working from within. I do beleive that you will continue to make progress until, you hit someones pocket book. It it is a Realtors, guess who comes first.

I again remind you what happened when the revenue from the BPO was at stake.. Now it s the bundleing of services that the fight is over. It means millions for the Realtor, banking or Title Cos. I am sure that the Appraiser will get it in the neck, and I don't think that all three will be looking out for our interest.

Best regards,

Bill Sentner

Frank: I still think that National NAR makes policy by looking away or doing something. I don't by that they have nothing to do with State policy. If I remember there is something in the constitution that says any policy that is contrary to National NAR can't be carried out unless approved by NAR. (I am parapharasing).
I think that NAR is a fine organization and looks out for its membership, but appraisers are not its core membership... I commend you for working from within. I do beleive that you will continue to make progress until, you hit someones pocket book. It it is a Realtors, guess who comes first.


After being provided a link to an NAR policy in black and white, the best you have to offer is you "think" otherwise? Seriously, I expected you would provide something for us to get our teeth into. At least a specific state association worthy of incurring our wrath.

The part of the NAR Constitution to which you refer has been amended. It pertains not to states, but to Institutes, Societies and Councils of the National Association of REALTORS. Not that facts would make any difference, but just for the heck of it, here it is. Notice it has been changed from your recollection.


Section 2. The National Association shall have the following rights and responsibilities:

(A) Primary responsibility to administer, coordinate, report on and deal with both legislative and executive branches of agencies of federal, state or local governments, including independent regulatory agencies and including, but not limited to, the duty to maintain a Washington office for the purpose of reporting to the membership of the National Association and the Institutes, Societies and Councils all matters concerning the activities or proposed activities of the executive and legislative branches and agencies of the Federal government that relate to real estate. The Committee structure shall provide the opportunity for the Institutes, Societies and Councils to have input into the decision-making process;

While the National Association has primary responsibility for the various matters enumerated above, it shall encourage the Institutes, Societies and Councils to assume a participatory role with respect to each of such activities.

The Institutes, Societies and Councils shall be permitted to engage in such activities with respect to issues in which the National Association is not involved or is inactive, so long as no positions are taken which conflict with positions of the National Association and provided further that the National Association shall have prior notice of all such activities undertaken by any Institute, Society or Council.

In the event that an Institute, Society or Council adopts a policy on any legislative or regulatory matter that is in conflict with the policy of the National Association , both organizations shall make every reasonable attempt to resolve their differences. If, after all reasonable attempts to resolve such differences have been exhausted and the organizations are unable to resolve the conflict in policy positions, each organization shall be free to take whatever actions it deems necessary to advocate its policy.

By the way, I am a REALTOR. I just happen to be the type not engaged in real estate brokerage. Sure, we're in the minority, but that's part of the fun.
Bill, Bill, BILL!

You just have to start getting your facts straight. Frank has it all right.

1. NAR absolutely does not set state policies. This is sooo stark that even NAR members are often shocked. Sorry, but I've seen it too many times in too many places.

Let's understand that NAR and or its state organizations are a powerful force in politics. In IL it gives as much to campaigns as do the bankers- the two TOP donors to campaigns. Unless they are butting heads with one another, they tend to get their way.

Given that, why is it that in one state the realtors prohibit BPOs unless it is to get a listing, while in the very next state no one seems to care?

Sorry- you are not going to get me to believe that this is all some subterfuge by NAR- looking the other way while a state group pursues a policy that is directly contrary to NAR's stated position. I've just seen these conflicts too many times.

2. Brokers do NOT do BPOs for a living. At best, it provides money to cover a car payment or the like. This is a non-issue for them- except that they want to force the REO firms to give them the listings. That is why the law in some states prohibits them for other purposes. They do them for the listings- not for the money. Most get only about $50 for a drive-by BPO and only marginally more for an interior inspection.

Brad Ellis, IFA,RAA
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