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AVM's or CPA's

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I agree with George. Maybe they should ask VA what their ratios are? With their system (one that protects appraiser opinions), I bet they see "low" appraisals and know of a more reflective percentage. Judging by the volume of "nasty" phone calls from lenders and agents, I would estimate my percentage of "low" appraisals is probably 10 - 20%. Lets do a poll. Maybe its just appraisers on this forum that submit "lowball" assignments ( I say that with tongue in cheek).
<span style='color:darkblue'>Fannie & Friend are wolves in sheep's clothing. Nothing particularly wrong with wolves, except you would like to see them coming -- that's the problem I have with their wardrobes of white wool suits.

The public still thinks of them as benign governmental agencies with the noblest of mandates: Improve the Country by responsibly increasing homeownership while providing stability and liquidity.

Well, they are not such agencies any more -- with the exception of having a taxpayer guarantee to bail them out if they screw up. If they screw-up, no problem. The executives keep the loot. If they do not screw-up, no problem. The executives keep the loot.

Since their quite re-chartering a decade ago, these entities are now very aggressive corporate enterprises. Their words (e.g., "99% of all appraisals...") are solely crafted to strategically mislead.

These corporations are responsible for undermining and sabotaging residential real estate appraising by allowing and encouraging a lending system whereby full control over the real estate appraiser is handed to:

Commissioned loan officers and commissioned mortgage brokers -- neither of whom is licensed or responsible for anything other than cashing their checks.

End of story.


Just for Newbies:</span>

Has Fannie Gone Too Far? By Donald J. Moore, MAI

[url=http://www.clarionledger.com/news/0106/14/a3.html]Well, even if they're not, their Flag Ship
Loan Suppliers look after the public, Right?
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