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bath description

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Senior Member
Feb 23, 2004
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I just ran across a MLS listing that noted a "hollywood bath". What the heck is that?
It's where you invite the Papparazzi's to film you when you do an interview in the tub.
I wonder if the room has its own Paris Hilton?
I think it's agent speak for a large fancy m-bathroom. It's not a defined term as far as I know.
I've listed properties with "European Bath".. marble surfaces, lots of mirrors, and of course a bidet.:icon_neutral:
I picture lots of mirrors, wig heads, and light bulbs, along with lots of pictures of onesself taped to the mirrors.
Have you called the agent who wrote that?
They maybe a handy ledge next to the tub to set needles,bottle of jack and your bottles of pills on while you soak away waiting for your next 15 mintues of fame.
Bath where five people can take a bath at the same time; all of whom have been in a sexual relationship with all of the others, sometimes at separate times.

Hey, what about a Michigan bath?

Hot water within driving distance, running water through the roof and an original dirt floor. Doubles for a deer blind out the back and a duck blind to the north. Room for a 24 can beer cooler and two Black Labs.
I had a mentor that called corner tubs with the ledge described by Redfish as "Hollywood" tubs. Most were in 1950s built contemporary style houses. They are triangularish in shape and large enough for 1.5 people or one average size Cheesehead. I don't know why we have them here in Cheeseland where most everyone is over sized.

But that's just a "Hollywood" tub, not a whole bathroom.

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