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Best and Worst City in Tennessee for Appraisers

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Need the home county and state for AppraiserLoft so that I may file a complaint with the BBB. Anyone? Anyone?
Nastyville, been there, done that. House got broke into, car got striped......

I think you are getting Nashville and Memphis crossed up!!! Memphis is far worse than Nashville with regard to crime.
A few months ago I spoke with one of our appraisal commissioners. While your topic was not specific to the conversation, he indicated that Nashville was the better city for appraisers regarding fees and opportunity. This was in comparison to Knoxville and Tri-Cities. Hope that helps a little.

I did a quick check of actives on the ASB site yesterday out of curiosity. I did Davidson, Williamson, and Rutherford Counties as they seemed to be where most shops of any size are. Are the shops pretty centralized in the area or are they more diverse? My Metro area has the vast majority of the licenses in one county so I was not sure if it was apples to apples. Of course I could just finish checking the other counties if I really wanted to know.
I expect this had been long since answered but the address for Appraiser Loft is 16745 W. Bernardo Dr. Suite 450, San Diego, CA 92127 (san diego county). I guess I should have my head examined as they owe me just under $2000. for January and February appraisals (2010)
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