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Black screen then "Beginning dump of physical memory&qu

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I need your nephew! I keep locking up and then have to shut down the whole system. Get MLRC32 (status). What the hell is this?

Personally I think Bill Gates puts this stuff into the operating system so that we have to buy a new computer on a regular basis and thus boosts the sales of his operating systems.

Oh hell, I want a new one anyway! 1.3gig pentium III with DVD, CD R/W, 80 gig hard drive and 528 ram. Two printer ports, 4 thingies and 2 dooo dads too!
Mike-have you tried the msconfig dance? Go to start, run, type in msconfig, remove all the check marks, then reboot your computer. If you are not brave, remove them one at a time, reboot your computer, try out computer--keep going until as many as possible are unchecked. That way only one window is open at a time--the program you are working in. Sure has solved my problems.

When was the last time you ran defrag?

I purchased Raxco's PerfectDisk2000 ($40 or so) just before vacation and ran it. I did this after reading that even Microsoft recommends using a third party defrag, as the one in the system is not very good. Mine was taking in excess of 30 hours to defrag with the Microsoft defrag.

Since running this defrag I've had far fewer lockups of the OS. Defrags now take about 15-20 minutes so run them more often.

You may want to try a good defrag program before doing anything drastic.
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