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Can I verbally communicate a value the day before the written report is transmitted.

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I've run into this a couple of times, where I have a value, but for one reason or another it will take another day to put together items in the report that are not value sensitive. In the past, I've told the client that I can't give a value until the report is complete. Is this correct? Would the fact that I haven't put together my comparable maps and addenda exhibits or signed the written report yet prohibit me from communicating a value? If I can disclose the value before the written report is complete, am I correct to assume that I would be required to disclose the verbal communication as a previous report when I submit the written report the next day?

On a semi-related note, I've also run into situations where I can tell without a doubt from my comps that the value will not come anywhere close to the purchase price well before completion of the report. Am I allowed to call the client and communicate this fact, without giving a specific value? I'm thinking that the fact that I would say, "you are not going to be anywhere close to the purchase price", makes it an appraisal because the purchase price is a specific number. Is there any way to do this without it being a standards violation?
Check with your engagement letter. If it is for lending purpose, they normally will instruction you which form should be used for this assignment, like 1004, 1073 etc. Then these forms dictate the it is written report. You can ask the client for some information or discuss some items for the assignment related, but the value conclusion has to be in written.
Check with your engagement letter. If it is for lending purpose, they normally will instruction you which form should be used for this assignment, like 1004, 1073 etc. Then these forms dictate the it is written report. You can ask the client for some information or discuss some items for the assignment related, but the value conclusion has to be in written.
Unless you read through the thread. There is no way for you to have known that the first part of the op was referring to non lender assignments and also that this is for commercial since the OP also stated within the thread that they don't do residential. Would have been nice to state that up front.
Unless you read through the thread. There is no way for you to have known that the first part of the op was referring to non lender assignments and also that this is for commercial since the OP also stated within the thread that they don't do residential. Would have been nice to state that up front.
Oh, good to know.
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