"Why is the appraiser always the fall guy, considered to be dishonest in a foreclosure fallout?"
The appraiser is not always the fall guy and wasn't in this case, either. However, the appraiser was the only person who should have been protecting the lenders' interest and only had to tell the truth to do that.
In fact, what was going on was that these folks had created a sub-market. There were so many of these inflated deals going down that the appraiser used the fake sales as comps on the next appraisals. He knew what he was doing.
"Perhaps a little naive and I went in with blinders thinking honest market appraisals would suffice without too much concern about what others may or may not do behind the scenes as long as I was straight about my own part of the work."
Mostly accurate that if you do your work correctly, then the proper pieces will fall into place. But your next sentence is what bothers me.
"Recently did appraisal work for a broker who I eventually came to believe was inventing bogus buyers and contracts on sales of foreclosures. "
I would not care if the lender has a bogus sale. My job is to find out what the house is worth in the marketplace. It does not bother me if they have a fake sale or real sale. I will use market sales to determine what the value is and then analyze the existing sales agreement and explain any differences.
To expand on that, I did an appraisal on a new house a few years where the lots were selling for $15,000. I was in a small town and was thinking this was a lot of money, so I asked for the purchase agreement on the lot. Yes, indeed, the sales price was $15,000 with $7,000 being refunded at closing. So, what was the real sales price? The $8,000 was easy to prove in the marketplace as I had several sales from the community that were unrelated to this scam.
Further, it sounds like you caught this early on. I suspect most states would not be to concerned with someone who completed a bad report, realized, then stopped doing so. Their concern is people who do this all the time, like the appraiser in this scam who does not deserve your sympathy.