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Cheaper software?

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Elite Member
May 11, 2010
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I forgot where I read someone pays around $15 a month for software does anyone know which one that is? Im done with total I use spark and synapse for data integration so cheap software that isnt a glitchy mess sounds about right
Thinking about using this as I'm semi-retired. Currently use Alamode

I forgot where I read someone pays around $15 a month for software does anyone know which one that is? Im done with total I use spark and synapse for data integration so cheap software that isnt a glitchy mess sounds about right
Does Spark & Synapse work with Homeputer? Integrate the charts, graphs, and commentary into the software?
there is a level of new aggravation and time spent leaning a new system. and then you find out yous don't like it.
there is a level of new aggravation and time spent leaning a new system. and then you find out yous don't like it.
You mean like Windows 10 & 11? I started computing @ Windows 3.1. By the time I arrived to XP, I was really proficient at handling corrupt files, patches and instantly knew where to go to handle issues. Loved Windows 7. I still despise 10 & 11....
Loved Windows 7. I still despise 10 & 11....
I absolutely hate this machine which is the one I keep by my recliner. 11 sucked every picture out of my computer and put in the cloud where it still is and I cannot delete it since I deleted One Drive as soon as I realized it was off loading pictures from my portable harddrive. It second guesses me constantly and constantly is recommended an idiot program that mercifully my brain refused to recall its name...and then there is the worthless BING feature. I am going to buy a new computer soon. And it will be a Linux machine - I am sick of Windows.
The wheels came off the wagon when the executives were duped by the Xbox & Playstation newbies to try to turn the PC into a big cell phone with Windows 8.

Software became apps, after decades of being called the Control Panel....the newbies thought it would be a great idea and changed it to Settings App.

With Windows 7, you were greeted with a clean desktop with your shortcuts right where you left them ready to compute. No nagging and advertisements shoved in your face.

With Windows 10, the start menu looks like some flashy advertisement from Times Square or Japan advertising programs you don't have and don't want. I have a mouse, I don't need the UI to be set up like I'm going to be touching the screen all day. Don't even get me started with OneDrive.

Microsoft would make a fortune if they package their new operating system to work like Windows 7....
What type of software? Report writing like Alamode / Realquantum, office/order management like Appraisal Inbox?
try a type writter. one time payment, but you gotta cut and past spark. win 7 was good, win 8 was very quirky. win 10 no issue with anything. never try a new windows in rhe beginning stage.
the problem isn't the programs. it's the lack of income and time to redo the time consuming learning curve, to only find out you don't like it.
there is a level of new aggravation and time spent leaning a new system
Yep, but some of us have been thru that about 4 or 5 times. No step for a stepper like you, is it? :)
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