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Class Action For The Theft Of Appraisers’ Data

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This is a joke and only a bunch of desperate appraisers would place their name on this list. Basically after hundreds of appraisers names are on his list he and his legal team are going to see if they have any reasonable chance of trying to shake down Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac- FHA and other large data users and providers ( SURE) First of all Fannie & Freddie are still in federal receivership and so far almost nobody has broken their shield of protection and just another half baked scene to get appraisers to take their eyes off the real issues we face.

Remember we don't own or control data and never will and so a class action lawsuit would involve going up against an-unknown amount of large corporations including Title Companies, GSE'S, AMC's, who could and would simply bankrupt any small law firm.

Appraisers are concerned about their data being used but are willing to place their name on a list with someone they don't even know : ) LOL
This is a joke and only a bunch of desperate appraisers would place their name on this list. Basically after hundreds of appraisers names are on his list he and his legal team are going to see if they have any reasonable chance of trying to shake down Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac- FHA and other large data users and providers ( SURE) First of all Fannie & Freddie are still in federal receivership and so far almost nobody has broken their shield of protection and just another half baked scene to get appraisers to take their eyes off the real issues we face.

Remember we don't own or control data and never will and so a class action lawsuit would involve going up against an-unknown amount of large corporations including Title Companies, GSE'S, AMC's, who could and would simply bankrupt any small law firm.

Appraisers are concerned about their data being used but are willing to place their name on a list with someone they don't even know : ) LOL

We don't control data but our input and vetting of it for appraisals is confidential to the appraisal intended users/use. Even if the suit goes nowhere, which is likely, it does show these entities appraisers have the ability to seek legal counsel and stand up for themselves...so far very little to none of that has been shown, how has that been working out ?
This is a joke and only a bunch of desperate appraisers would place their name on this list. Basically after hundreds of appraisers names are on his list he and his legal team are going to see if they have any reasonable chance of trying to shake down Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac- FHA and other large data users and providers ( SURE) First of all Fannie & Freddie are still in federal receivership and so far almost nobody has broken their shield of protection and just another half baked scene to get appraisers to take their eyes off the real issues we face.

Remember we don't own or control data and never will and so a class action lawsuit would involve going up against an-unknown amount of large corporations including Title Companies, GSE'S, AMC's, who could and would simply bankrupt any small law firm.

Appraisers are concerned about their data being used but are willing to place their name on a list with someone they don't even know : ) LOL

I do own the photos that I took. I have not given anyone permission to use my photos.
Please give us your name and E-mail address - Sure no problem we don't know who you are and you are clear that there has been no case filed so essentially you just data mined us fools. But just in case you never file a class action ( YOU WON'T ) maybe you can sell this list of disgruntled appraisers to one of the larger AMC's cheap so they will know who these potential trouble makers are :) LOL
You don't own
I do own the photos that I took. I have not given anyone permission to use my photos.
Once that report is gone you don't own anything.
Wondering what the future repercussions will be for those who give their names and email addresses.
Wondering what the future repercussions will be for those who give their names and email addresses.
That’s funny. I suppose the staff appraisers who stood up and weren’t intimidated or afraid to put their name on a list for class action to sue for overtime wasted their time as well ?


Oh well. Stands to reason there will always be groveling cowards in any group.
This is a joke and only a bunch of desperate appraisers would place their name on this list. Basically after hundreds of appraisers names are on his list he and his legal team are going to see if they have any reasonable chance of trying to shake down Fannie Mae- Freddie Mac- FHA and other large data users and providers ( SURE) First of all Fannie & Freddie are still in federal receivership and so far almost nobody has broken their shield of protection and just another half baked scene to get appraisers to take their eyes off the real issues we face.

Remember we don't own or control data and never will and so a class action lawsuit would involve going up against an-unknown amount of large corporations including Title Companies, GSE'S, AMC's, who could and would simply bankrupt any small law firm.

Appraisers are concerned about their data being used but are willing to place their name on a list with someone they don't even know : ) LOL


You should be concerned you make derogatory comments to something you did not even read

it is NOT a petition. It is a list of people that express interest in a possible class action suit. It is not a threat of a suit either. Only an attorney can tell us whether or not they think we have a legitimate legal case.
Mike Ford, comments.

So if you have an interest, read the article. If you don't,


Looks like the primary target is SmartExchange from Corelogic
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