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Climate Controlled Garage - HELP Please

People who have like antique cars and prized possessions do garages like that. They even wrap the cars with like a big plastic bag and put additional controlled a/c on the car so the temp and humidity stays constant on the vehicle or whatever. When they wrap them like that the environment never changes on the car.
Definitely no antique cars, their biggest valuable in the garage will be the 5 dogs and that's an emotional asset.
depreciated cost is a recognized method of adjustment in sales comparison approach to value. :popcorn:
No depreciated cost at the moment, this is new construction, they moved in right before the holidays...unless we are talking about depreciation like driving a new car off the lot.
If there were four Teslas in the garage Fernando would definitely give it value.

That's Cali for you....I think they are just trying not to kill the dogs with the North Texas heat and humidity in the summer and the few days of frigid cold we have in the winter, oh and I guess he doesn't want to break a sweat or freeze the boys off when he decides to eventually install his video driving range.
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That's Cali for you....I think they are just trying not to kill the dogs with the North Texas heat and humidity in the summer and the few days of frigid cold we have in the winter.
I am sure you have seen workshops with HVAC here is north Texas. It is still not GLA. Heck, I have seen storage buildings with window units and split zones.
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