Thanks, for your time, insight and advice, J Grant!Unless there is a specific affect on price within the contract itself , such as a seller concession to be commented on, the reality is their contract price is nothing more than what the parties negotiated. ". There is no obligation on buyers and sellers to sign a contract at "market value"!!! They agree on a price and terms that suit them.
Below is a typical comment I can make , broken down into 3 sections, with bold type to show the reasoning:
" The sale contract price is above the appraisal opinion of market value. A sale contract price is a negotiated price between parties and can be affected by either party's individual motivations. No atypical terms were found in the contract. " This comment addresses the contract itself. It basically says, their price is their price and their price is their decision .
"It is typical in this market to see sale prices on the higher side due to lack of inventory and competitive bidding. " This explains market conditions that affected price.
The appraisal opinion of market value was developed using the most similar comps and applying market extracted adjustments. Additional sales and listings and pendings were also considered, as part of the appraisal development. " This sums up the support for my market value opinion and lets the reader know that I considered additional sales. and listings.
The whole statement:
" The sale contract price is above the appraisal opinion of market value. A sale contract price is a negotiated price between parties and can be affected by either party's individual motivations. No atypical terms were found in the contract. It is typical in this market to see sale prices on the higher side due to lack of inventory and competitive bidding.
The appraisal opinion of market value was developed using the most similar comps and applying market extracted adjustments. Additional sales and listings and pendings were aalso considered, as part of the appraisal development."