I received a "comparables request" this week, my first in 2 years. All the lenders I work for know I don't do those and refrain from asking. A loan officer from out of town sent me this one. I responded with a nice little note "If you want to know the value, order an appraisal." Have not yet received an order from him.
Don't expect one, because some ethically challenged rookie appraiser around here who's short of work will surely give the LO what he wants, get the assignment and try to hit the target value, which was probably close to double the actual worth of the property.
This points to a real and growing problem in our profession, the lack of ethics and real professionalism on the part of many new appraisers. In this area, most of the new appraisers are getting their training from number hitters because they are the ones who do high volume. Most honest appraisers are just holding on, or phasing out of mortgage work entirely.
We're going to reach the point where stories like Joe Bob's in Houston will be commonplace instead of an occurrence that, in its rarety, draws interest, even in a forum for appraisers.