You asked a question about how to appraise a condominium unit (assumed - the one unit under contract, not for a construction loan for completion of the job). The fact that it is a condominium is what makes it VERY difficult, if not impossible to provide a reasonable indication of "market value". I gave what I believe to be an appropriate answer. If it is being done for a lender, I do not know of any way, shape or form that an appraisal could be done that a lender would touch. Without, by your own admission, any viable sales data, being "creative" in analysis most "legitimate" lenders I know of would not even consider funding such a deal. The income approach MAY be the only possibility of making somewhat of a "stab" at a number, however since there are "intangible" factors involved (such as operating costs, common elements, reserves, etc., even the income approach appears "weak". Now, as far as being "negative", I am the farthest thing from it in reality. I play the role of "devil's advocate" for the purpose of TRYING to make one think before they leap. I basically have (as long as I have been in real estate and even before) went WAY above and beyond all boundaries in helping people that need assistance (WAY, WAY, WAY ABOVE) without ever requesting any type of remuneration (either cash payment, referrals, work, whatever). People tend to "keep in the databanks" their personal experiences and when they draw on their analytical powers, those experiences tend to "shade" their response but should not be taken in the wrong way. As far as being "right" all the time, that is another thing that is so far off base but I won't even go into it. I TRY and give what I BELIEVE to be the most direct answer I can. If I had a dime for each time I made a mistake, I'd have almost a dollar by now (oh, decimal point in the wrong place, make that a thousand dollars). Case in point about trying to be helpful, way back there was a post about
2055 exteriors and different attachments appraisers used to CYA. I faxed you a couple of the attachments I used as per YOUR request. "NOT A" as far as saying thanks or thanks but no thanks whatever. In this case, I might have been wrong, but I ASSUMED that you were performing an appraisal on the individual unit for mortgage financing purposes. Maybe that assumption was wrong. As far as "prunes" go, I do not require them at this time, but thank you for being concerned about my digestive processes.