Do you not recommend to your buyers to get a professional home inspection? I only do VA appraisals, and this is not in my wheelhouse at all unless I could tell it would not meet county code with an overflow tank, no pan or obviously leaking. Why would you not want your buyer protected? VA defers to County or State Code on handrails but most realtors recommend a $50 rail be installed if 3 stair treads from the ground, just in case underwriting calls for it based on the Lender's safety guidelines. The last house I sold was on conventional and the buyer required all the GFCIs be replaced, small amount of chipped paint be fixed, and the brand new sink sprayer have higher pressure. We were only able to refuse to fix the sink sprayer pressure. Everything else was legit per The Home Inspector the buyer hired. As the seller had already had purchased another house, we had to do it. Market may be correcting itself, lenders will not want buyers in this price range hit with unexpected epairs just like VA or FHA.