Enron, Tyco, World Com & many others in this year alone. I think of any time in past 10 years We are now at the right time to REALLY push on turning in aggressive Mortgage Co's. Everytime I come on here there is more stories of pressure & SHADY deals. We ALL just keep sending & talkin Someone is (gonna wanna) be the big shot that EXPOSED this I believe we just have to keep PUSHIN. This turnin in Appraisers is OK to a degree & I think it really should be thought about long & hard before turnin one in. Cause to me that is just another argument for the BANKER to say see We TRIED so hard to do it legal & look the Appraiser did not do his job so we shouldn't be burden with needing them. I'd contact an Appraiser who was CONSTANTLY doin BAD work & say PEOPLE are noticing maybe U should get some more schoolin or do a little more research of that area. Mortgage Co's do turn APPRAISERS in it has hapened here in AZ & I belive it happened in Texas. Keep firing off E-Mails to Attoney Generals, Bankin Commissioners, Governors, Senators Congress, & reporters Like anything Sooner or later you'll hit someone that shows an intrest. BUT WE ALL need to do it OR it LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE has a GRUDGE.