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Could the Time be Right?

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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
Enron, Tyco, World Com & many others in this year alone. I think of any time in past 10 years We are now at the right time to REALLY push on turning in aggressive Mortgage Co's. Everytime I come on here there is more stories of pressure & SHADY deals. We ALL just keep sending & talkin Someone is (gonna wanna) be the big shot that EXPOSED this I believe we just have to keep PUSHIN. This turnin in Appraisers is OK to a degree & I think it really should be thought about long & hard before turnin one in. Cause to me that is just another argument for the BANKER to say see We TRIED so hard to do it legal & look the Appraiser did not do his job so we shouldn't be burden with needing them. I'd contact an Appraiser who was CONSTANTLY doin BAD work & say PEOPLE are noticing maybe U should get some more schoolin or do a little more research of that area. Mortgage Co's do turn APPRAISERS in it has hapened here in AZ & I belive it happened in Texas. Keep firing off E-Mails to Attoney Generals, Bankin Commissioners, Governors, Senators Congress, & reporters Like anything Sooner or later you'll hit someone that shows an intrest. BUT WE ALL need to do it OR it LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE has a GRUDGE.
I wish there was an effective way to turn in the lenders but anyone you contact is probably in the pocket of the lending industry though "campaign contributions" or in plain English, bribes.

No one really cares until the sky falls in and then it will be the fault of the appraisers again. To some extent, they will be right.

The lenders can ask or even tell us to do something illegal or immoral but we have the right to say no. If we do not have enough integrity to do that, we should take the blame.

If someone suggests that we go rob a bank or steal a car, they are not at fault if we are too stupid or crooked to refuse. The crime is voluntary on our part.
As a matter of fact, last week I received a letter from the state securities commission asking appraisers to help identify mortgage companies who were operating illegally in Arkansas. They requested that if we had any question about the company, we should contact their website for a complete list of mortgage brokers authorized to operate in Arkansas.

It might be good practice to check those lists when being contacted by a new mortgage company.
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