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County Records

Oklahoma Boy

Freshman Member
Jul 13, 2022
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
I recently moved here from Oklahoma. We have this software which provides assessment records, photos, sketches and comparable sales for all Oklahoma counties. It is a service of County Records Inc, offering plat books, wall maps and more. Does anyone know of anything like that in new york or do you just rely on MLS?
You poor thing...You will find that we OK/AR appraisers are pretty lucky compared to many other states. We have multiple vendors here...not so much in other states I understand.
I recently moved here from Oklahoma. We have this software which provides assessment records, photos, sketches and comparable sales for all Oklahoma counties. It is a service of County Records Inc, offering plat books, wall maps and more. Does anyone know of anything like that in new york or do you just rely on MLS?
Here in NY, we have a several paid subscription services that provide all or most of the above depending on the plan you purchase. Prices vary depending on the provider as well as who many counties you want to cover. The two biggest ones are

https://www.attomdata.com/ (formerly known as GeoData)
https://compsusa.com (known as Comps Inc)

Several others are very good as well.

https://www.propertyshark.com (known as Property Shark)
https://www.streeteasy.com (Streeteasy. excellent for Manhattan(New York County)
You poor thing...You will find that we OK/AR appraisers are pretty lucky compared to many other states. We have multiple vendors here...not so much in other states I understand.
For residential every county of the eight I cover has all of that info online for free. I can do a sales search with various parameters, have access to plats, deeds, pud & condo declarations, zoning, tax records etc., etc.
For residential every county of the eight I cover has all of that info online for free. I
Some are very good but some state county sites lack real search functions that appraisers want. And, of course, fogedaboutit in non-disclosure states.

There are at least 3 vendors in Oklahoma - mostly statewide. Deeds & mortages- not so much. There are two or three vendors and some vendors don't access all counties. But I believe about 20 years ago the state ledge in OK mandated all counties get on line with records and assessments. So I can get a map and plat site in one county, but weak access to records but I can get records from at least 3 sources. One is a minimum $10 per day site if you only need it one day, the others monthly subscriptions. In Arkansas, one site is per minute (10cents) and the same $10 per day or you can get monthly subscriptions. I usually search those before trying to locate the properties on the MLS.
You poor thing...You will find that we OK/AR appraisers are pretty lucky compared to many other states. We have multiple vendors here...not so much in other states I understand.
Not to brag, my friend, but Texas makes Oklahoma look like they're still in the stone ages... at least on the resi side. And I'm speaking from experience here - I do work on both sides of the river.
I recently moved here from Oklahoma. We have this software which provides assessment records, photos, sketches and comparable sales for all Oklahoma counties. It is a service of County Records Inc, offering plat books, wall maps and more. Does anyone know of anything like that in new york or do you just rely on MLS?
New york is a pretty big state. I was raised in upstate the southern tier. Broome County

So google it thAT MIGHT HELP. so google your county you live in for gis.
So, your county records record the price? I thought it was non-disclosure state.
haha - not that part. The part about plats, photos, sketches, prior transfers - pretty much anything you need except for the sales price. In Texas - ANYONE can look up anything at the county level. Not so much in OK.
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