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Crash, Burn, 3+ day shutdown...ala mode? White horse? or ?

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Paulette in Texas

Sophomore Member
Jan 24, 2002
Dear Forum: So here's the story. Thurs 8:00 a.m. got the bulletin that we had 5 updates we needed to do from ala mode, yada, yada, yada. And so it began. Roadrunner fast zapped it all in just minutes, but it wouldn't load. All the usual builtin safeguards just kept giving error messages, and then some. Okay, tech gurus and 3 hours later the silly things got uploaded onto our system/network and everything seem fine. Left for field work. Bad mistake. 6:00 p.m. when we returned all 4 stations were now down and they stayed down Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon...but Tues?

Yes, with our 24/7 Platinum thingie I was on the phone and not a happy camper with the cazillion error messages which were all "network" thingies. Okay, we got kicked to the big swat team guys and even over to the professional service side. As an aside here: let me say everybody was nice. Everybody tried. And tried. And tried. But we were still down. We called our own head of his own company: guru Tues am and put him in phone contact with professional services and swat guys to find the problem for all the software errors for our networking. My god, we had almost new server and 2 xp, 2 98 window stations which were all less than 2 years old. Let me also add this happened to us less than 45 days earlier too. For what we spent between them not counting our 24/7 Platinum, nor that businesses we just said, please we're down and don't send any more, we could have thrown all the computers/server threw the windows and bought at least 1 new server and 2 stations. But how the heck do you know when the glitches hit, that it won't be over with that next phone call or other thingie? As money is an object, we tend to hang on at least for awhile to solve the problems.

Well, SOLUTION AND PROBLEM SOLVED. Everybody, including our own guru believed it had to be "network" server related software issue. WRONG. They all tried every which way and then some, not once but over and over and then some. I have rebooted enough to be able to do it in my sleep. I have even learned something about xp stations and win2000 professional server software in this disaster.

Looks like as of 6 pm today and replacement of that stupid XD#$%@ network adapter in the server, that we are now up and running as well as we were when all was brand spanking new and faster than a speeding bullit.

Amazing. We are so ready to blame the downloads, or glitches of our software...me included. Haven't got the bill yet but it can't have been much of a cost item for the hardware. But it sure shut us down. Stupid thing even before our guru replaced it said it was NOT broken and that it had no errors and it was a 1-in a zillion chance as it was not mis-firing or whatever they do. He and all were shocked. It was defective.

Interesting though, what he said after he talked with ala mode for the 3/4th time: shocked they were so responsive to my little company. Amazed they were available when we called each time. Further amazed when talking with them that they were so knowledgeable and that they actually had 5 different tech guys meeting on my problems. According to this owner of his own network company: NOT the norm for business to get this kind of support. So for those who get *#(%^&W at the big guys...give a thanks for the support. We need them more than they need us. When was the last time you got any help in the software aisle of your local company? NOT. So yeah, big guy...ala mode and any other associated companies y'all spin off. THANKS. from your number 1 fan. We are BACK AND UP AND RUNNING...

By the way, before we dump on ala mode for any product they produce, (mercury,etc.) wait 6-12 months. If dbiggers signed onto any product for appraisers, believe in it. Like there's somebody who cares more? NOT. He is the original "buildit and they will come guru." Thanks ala mode gang.
go w...
Rotts rule and shih tzus fine too.

Sorry about all that time and money! Been there; done that; more than once. As much as I thought it was Alamode's fault, it has always turned out that it wasn't. Plus, the local gurus have also said the same about their support.

Regarding Mercury: I don't have it as I have no need for it. Alamode training said it's up to the Appraiser to set it for mining or tell it not to allow mining. Not that the clients that want to can't mine the data if they really choose to but, you can set it to make it very difficult for them. At least that was my understanding of it.

I'm not always happy with the costs but will stay with what I have and am very glad that I have it. When compared to others, I believe it is the best.

Welcome back Paulette!!!
do you ever feel like Alamode/Wintotal subscribes to the Bill Gates therory...."lets keep changing it and charging for the New version testing....we don't need no stinking testing"!
As I recall ATHENA was at least 9 months over the release time ALAMOD projected....and even at that there have been how many updates...50 so far??

Paulette...Your system (network) was running FINE before the updates??? Isn't it funny that you get updated then CRASH and it is your systems fault.....if you buy that I got some swamp land here in SoILL to sell you....(have you seen the value of "Wet Lands" lately?

In my experience, it has always been suggested to be my hardware. I have a few questions for you.

1. It worked until you ran the update?

2. When it shut you down, could you otherwise use your network? ie: could you explore other drives from your machines? Print from all stations?

3. Why is it that we only have problems with our hardware when installing or downloading their products?

Please understand, I am not bashing here. I am asking some simple questions. Do you know how many times I have been told my hardware was bad? Do you know how many times it wasnt my hardware? Put it this way, I have never replaced hardware when they told me to. It was always their software. Usually a conflict with another program.

I am not saying it could not happen. You are right, could have been a one in a bazzillion chance happening like you state.
Glad to hear you are satisfied, Paulette, because it is time for me to pay for my "service contract" and I was seriously considering dropping from platinum to either gold or silver to say a few buckazoids. Now I am going to go the full route again.

Two points...First, when a program is downloaded (any program) it can change your configuration files and could cause conflicts. Secondly, most computer gurus know enough to be really dangerous. I find they rarely understand my software and my needs. Like the last time I couldn't get on line with my new cable modem, the techie said I had to recover my hard drive. Finally I got in touch with one who said, nahhhh....just shut down the computer, unplug the cable modem, and wait 2 minutes..then restart. It works every time now.

Alamode is quality stuff. They really do try very hard to make us happy campers. Those who complain or "dis" them are just disgruntled people who would complain about "free sex".
Daniel in SoILL Posted: Wed May 15, 2002 8:45 am Post subject:


do you ever feel like Alamode/Wintotal subscribes to the Bill Gates therory...."lets keep changing it and charging for the New version testing....we don't need no stinking testing"!
As I recall ATHENA was at least 9 months over the release time ALAMOD projected....and even at that there have been how many updates...50 so far??

Come on Daniel...think about this comment. Software in general is such an everchanging process. As systems and technology get faster and faster, shouldn't you be expecting more out of your software too? I mean seriously, y would you still be running DOSTotal on your new 2Ghz computer when a la mode makes it possible to incorporate everything(and i mean everything) involved in your appraising business in one program. Also think about this...sure Athena was late in its "debut" BUT what would have happened if it had been released "on time" just so a la mode could say they made its deadline, but then crash your computer every five seconds. I can see Bill-NC's post now........haha. After all when was the last time ANY software company acutally hit its estimated release date. I'd rather wait a little while longer so i get a program that works + the delay gave us all a little extra time to enjoy good ol Olympus. Anyways, my point is that its great to see a software company that stays ahead of the game and is always coming up with new ideas to make our daily lives a little bit easier. Sure they cost money, but a la mode IS a software company and we pay them for what they do and how much easier they make this whole industry. Also remember that the upgrade to Athena WAS FREE and if it weren't for new updates, new releases, new programs..then we'd all be stuck using something like Bradford Technologies...and that would suck.

just some FYI for us all.
Crazy people!

Bradford's Toolbox, never a problem, never a crash......Just keeps on humin..........and humin! So simple and fast.........

You can see my post? Think about. If you passed a license exam, you must be fairly reasonable. How much are you paying for your service contract? Oh, yeah, might not have been free then huh?

Merle, you have no idea what you are stepping into. Prior to making comments about people, you might want to know a little more about them.
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