Personallly I think the mountain, plains, desert seashore gals on this forum would have a blast in a get-together! An we might well invite some of the guys just for fun... we gots some good ones on here! 8)
I find that most female appraisers are, uh well,
not herd beasts!
just like the guys in this profession, but maybe to an even greater extent!~
Abile to think for ourself, willing to buck other folks' opinions, observent, and astoundingly able to convey information tactfully on several levels using nothing but little black marks on paper and a few pictures.
I am no man hater, but have done enough study formal and independant to be convinced the world ain't entirely fair to those who wear bras! Observe, analyse and report. I also agree with Austin and Dee Dee that some of the biggest whiners are women. Early training and the times I am afraid.
I took specific exception to a few of Austins scattergun vollies! Don't mind if he reports, but make it a complete anlysis, 'not render in a fashion that might be misleading..." :evil:
My sincere THANKS to those gentlemen who made response: How neat that this was not just a hen party!! You all can open a door for me anytime, and I will gladly bat my eyelashes and say thanks, hon! Course if I get here first I can open it my very own self, so don't be embarrassed if I hold it for you