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"customary And Reasonable Local Fees" Clarified Thanks To Working Re Survey

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They have done a lot of harm to the profession. I read about a conference X- place and the gentleman started asking how many people under 30 then 40, 50 years old present in the conference. Very few were under 30, the majority were above 50 years old. The person asked how many trainees were present and only one person stand up. I believe it was among 200 appraisers. Sad news for our profession were the AMC are the ones that say if you can have a trainee or not, or if you are geografically competent or not, or what fee you will earn. There is a lot of talking and no action at all. I have been in meetings and it is all the same. Some appraisers go one way and some appraisers go another way. Nobody cares. Complains, complains..... A lot of appraisers will take those $175.00 fees as normal. HONEY...IT IS NOT NORMAL OR CUSTOMARY FEE!!! IT IS NOT.... An union, the way the major Detroit car companies operate is not the solution or it might. Who knows..... It is tricky.... independence..... we do not have any of that anymore. Who in this business thinks he or she is independent?
Independent: not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; AMC controls our business... so are we really independent? , not by this definition. I know we all have to follow rules and regulations, even the president is rule by the congress.... well that is what we think:D but AMC's have distroyed my business of 8 years. :angry:

Ditto.... I am making less per appraisal than I was 10 years ago, prior to high gas prices, high program fees, etc. Two of the 1099's that I received from banks in 2009 and 2010 went down by 1/2 since the regulation that they had to use rotational panels. The loan officers and the customers get sooo upset because they have appraisers coming from New Orleans and Mississippi to the Baton Rouge area to do these appraisals. Well they better not show up to do an appraisal for me, because, I know better and there is no way I would pay them to appraise me home in my market. Who's following rules and regulations.... Who's monitoring it?????? Nobody, because, the AMC's are now in control of who does what, when, where and how much. How about we set a regulation that no one can hire their own attorney. They have to go through a 3rd party and the 3rd party will take a portion of the attorney's fee. Bet that would go over real well. Doesn't make much since, but that is exactly what is going on.
I have heard a lot of folks saying that all they hear is complaining and that is true. We waited for these different appraisal organizations to stand up for us and now look. Yea, we wanted lender pressure off, but please, this is BS. The consumer and the funding institutions are less protected now than ever. I would rather have a government regulatory committiee order the appraisals, like the VA does, than to have the AMC's in control. There is no reason on this earth that they should get part of our fee. I have downloaded a list of every appraiser in my state. If anyone can make suggestions of how to organize across this country, I am more than happy to do my part. There are way too many in my state for me to call one on one but if something gets started I will do my part.
Have you seen the new wording used by the AMC's to keep them in compliance with the customary and reasonable fee issue. I just received a request to do a 1004 for $250. They require that you accept or decline the order. I declined the order and noted the fee that I would accept. I wish I had copied the wording that was required if you accepted the assignment. It stated that the appraisers agrees that the fee being paid is customary and reasonable for the geographical area """""". Something to that effect. Yepppp. They figured this one out. Dodd/Frank = stupid..
Ditto.... I am making less per appraisal than I was 10 years ago, prior to high gas prices, high program fees, etc. Two of the 1099's that I received from banks in 2009 and 2010 went down by 1/2 since the regulation that they had to use rotational panels. The loan officers and the customers get sooo upset because they have appraisers coming from New Orleans and Mississippi to the Baton Rouge area to do these appraisals. Well they better not show up to do an appraisal for me, because, I know better and there is no way I would pay them to appraise me home in my market. Who's following rules and regulations.... Who's monitoring it?????? Nobody, because, the AMC's are now in control of who does what, when, where and how much. How about we set a regulation that no one can hire their own attorney. They have to go through a 3rd party and the 3rd party will take a portion of the attorney's fee. Bet that would go over real well. Doesn't make much since, but that is exactly what is going on.

Major difference if you haven't noticed. Attorneys are advocates for their clients--appraisers are not.
I have heard a lot of folks saying that all they hear is complaining and that is true. We waited for these different appraisal organizations to stand up for us and now look. Yea, we wanted lender pressure off, but please, this is BS. The consumer and the funding institutions are less protected now than ever. I would rather have a government regulatory committiee order the appraisals, like the VA does, than to have the AMC's in control. There is no reason on this earth that they should get part of our fee. I have downloaded a list of every appraiser in my state. If anyone can make suggestions of how to organize across this country, I am more than happy to do my part. There are way too many in my state for me to call one on one but if something gets started I will do my part.

And which of the appraisal organizations do you belong to? Have you worked with them on these issues? No need to reinvent the wheel--join an established organization and lobby for your wants. BTW, it is beyond the scope of any appraisal organization's ability to eliminate AMCs--just ain't realistic.
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I don't know if we can get all the local appraiser coalitions to work together as a unified group. That might be a good starting point. I know my appraiser coalition here in California is looking for money to send local lobbyists to the capital, but I wonder if this can be done on a larger scale.
I don't know if we can get all the local appraiser coalitions to work together as a unified group. That might be a good starting point. I know my appraiser coalition here in California is looking for money to send local lobbyists to the capital, but I wonder if this can be done on a larger scale.

I think a larger scale is what is needed. We need a voice and with appraisers scattered from one appraisal organization to another, we will remain scattered. I think that if we could organize one group with just one goal at a time, we could get a lobbyist to speak for us. Don't need an organization that sells products, goods, insurance, education or advertising. Those organizations are great, but I believe that there are too many which keep us small in numbers and unorganized for the task that needs to be addressed.
I would like to see the AMC's forced to separate their fee from ours and call it what it is. It should be illegal and probably is, to combine our fee with theirs. (RESPA violation). I would also like to see a benchmark for C&R fees. I can't see any organization, state, or other group setting fees, but if we could have a benchmark we could move on.
I have two HUD1's from 1997 and the appraiser fee was $350 with no AMC or third party fee. The HUD1's for 2011 should have an AMC fee that is broken down for the consumer and loan company to see. The REALTORS and Lenders have received their increase in pay over the years, why did we get a cut in pay????
Who made the faulty loans????? Yet they still receive % origination fee and the REALTORS still receive their percentage fee. Although their % hasn't really changed much over the years, the fee paid to them has increased as housing prices have increased....INFLATION..... Maybe they think appraisers are exempt from inflation.....HMMMMM....m2:
This was a recent article on whistle blowing from Appraisal Buzz Newsletter. Very interesting.

Appraisal Buzz Interview

Interview with Linda Stengle
Linda Stengle is an attorney whose practice is devoted to representing whistleblowers in government fraud claims.* She is a Certified Fraud Specialist and currently focuses on bringing claims for violations of securities laws, the tax code, and the federal and state False Claims statutes.* Stengle was the lead attorney in the first whistleblower claim awarded by the IRS tax whistleblower’s office in which the whistleblower was paid $5.5 million.*

BUZZ: Tell us how you became interested financial whistle blowing?

STENGLE:* My interest in qui tam actions in the finance industry in general was piqued when Congress changed federal law in 2009 to provide the United States with some additional protection for the spending of TARP dollars.* Up until then, whistle blower suits had been mostly in the health care arena and defense contracts.* With that change in 2009, the whistleblower lawyers were given a very clear signal by Congress that it thought the whistleblower mechanism was effective and necessary to address large scale finance industry fraud.* Attorneys are taking note, and I personally have seen an explosion in non-pharmaceutical actions.

BUZZ: How did you get involved with the appraiser/appraisal aspect of Dodd-Frank?

STENGLE: John Ferguson tracked me down through LinkedIn because I had been posting information about how I would never recommend an internal compliance reporting mechanism.* He told me about some of his experiences, and the two of us quickly realized that this was a great relationship.* John’s a very experienced appraiser, and I know my stuff.* The two of us just began noodling out the theories and how the appraisal situation could possibly fit into a false claims action.

BUZZ: Some of the components of Dodd-Frank go into effect April 1. Appraisers are feeling like they are fighting "city hall". Do you think Dodd-Frank has any teeth?

STENGLE: I think the whistleblower portion of the act has teeth, at least right now, because the SEC so badly botched the Madoff situation.* The SEC appears to be responsive to whistleblowers, and the folks at the SEC I have worked with have been just incredibly helpful and insightful. Unfortunately, there are many proposed rules that look like they are intent on gutting the whistleblower program, and like other administrative agency processes, the SEC’s interest in claims is going to ebb and flow with the political climate.* Three years from now, the SEC’s interests could be completely different.* The program is evolving.* We’ll have to see.

BUZZ: If it is business as usual on April 1 what can appraisers do? Who are the regulators of "customary and reasonable"?

STENGLE: Well, I wouldn’t rely on Dodd-Frank.* If I were an appraiser who wanted to blow the whistle, I would look for an attorney who understands the various avenues open for a whistleblower recovery and is willing to take a very aggressive stance with regard to filing perhaps multiple claims.* The False Claims Act is an excellent opportunity; it depends on the facts of the particular case.

BUZZ: Does the "whistle blower" component of Dodd-Frank apply to appraisals?*

STENGLE: It can.* It depends on who the whistleblower is blowing the whistle on, and what that potential defendant has been doing with regard to securities.

BUZZ: Should appraisers or lenders that want to report a Dodd-Frank violation to the SEC use the SEC website online complaint form or who should they call?

STENGLE: OMG, call me, or call John Ferguson before filing anything online. That SEC online website complaint form is a nightmare!* Don’t even get me started.* Call me at 215-367-4314 or email me at lstengle@kenneymccafferty.com.* Or, contact John Ferguson at john_ferguson2002@netzero.net or (530) 300-2978. Even if I don’t take the case, call me anyway.* I can give some easy tips that will help someone who is courageous enough to try to file a claim on their own.

BUZZ: Are there any monetary rewards associated with the Dodd-Frank and SEC whistle blower program?

STENGLE: Yes.* Assuming the whistleblower has done his or her job properly, the whistleblower gets a percentage of the government’s recovery from a successful investigation of the defendant.* Those dollars can be significant.

BUZZ: How does the SEC whistle blower program differ from the U.S. Department of Labor whistle blower program?

STENGLE: Oh, in several ways.* The SEC program offers anonymity, and it’s not about individual damages.* It’s about fraud on the investors and material violation of government securities laws.* Plus, the whistleblower, if the claim is successful, gets a percentage of the government’s recovery in the SEC program.* None of these things are true in the DOL program, to my knowledge.

BUZZ: Finally is there any protection for the whistle blower?

STENGLE: There is some.* The biggest one in the SEC arena is that the whistleblower can maintain anonymity throughout the process.* Whistle blowing is tricky business however.* It takes forever to get an award, if you get an award, and whistleblowers have been outed, even prosecuted, for creating problems in the government investigation or failing to provide full disclosure and a hundred other things.* I would never ever blow the whistle without consulting an attorney.* It’s just too dangerous.
April Fools !!
New Corelogic fees:
1004 Single Family $225

1004 FHA Single Family $265

1004 REO Single Family $225

1025 MultiFamily $375

1025 FHA MultiFamily $425

1073 Individual Condo $225

1073 FHA Individual Condo $265
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