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Data Center Impact On Nearby Neighborhoods

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Sorry Tim. Hemstreet. Not "himstreet".
Okay OP, are you sure you are not looking at speculative investments nearby?
They have 4 large campuses for data centers approved or pending approval in the Richmond-Metro area. We're talking millions of sf. I've been investing in utilities via VPU (Vanguard Utility ETF) and SMR which, you guessed it, is a Small Modular Reactor co. Others are NNE, BWXT, and the GE spin-off GEV. Dominion (D) is another one likely to benefit since all thins is in their backyard. These data centers use an ungodly amount of electricity and water. I think they are running out of sites in NOVA for these and that's why they are moving south. Another factor is all the undersea data cables come on-shore near Norfolk/VA Beach and some of these terminate in the Richmond area.


Frederick County just approved a 2,100 acre data enter campus. The data center ring is going to be like the new beltway. You live either inside or outside of the data center ring.
If you have sales in that neighborhood that have occurred since that "planning' was announced publicly, you have what you need without having to opine regarding the impact of that proposed project. The impact is generally inversely correlated with the volume of the outcries claiming property values will be impacted, but there is no need to know that, or otherwise, if you have sales that are judged to be impacted similarly to your subject.
Wind farm would suck.
I ate my sack lunch under a wind turbine in Weatherford, OK. Low pitch hum. You see no birds, even ground birds nearby. It is a raptor desert. They don't call them Bird-Chopping Eco-Crucifixes for nothing.
I ate my sack lunch under a wind turbine in Weatherford, OK. Low pitch hum. You see no birds, even ground birds nearby. It is a raptor desert. They don't call them Bird-Chopping Eco-Crucifixes for nothing.
I appraised a ranch where a set of wind mills had just come on line on one tract. They had not been "tuned" yet and the sound was like a tuning fork with a constant "whine." I very much suspect that if you spent a lot of time near one with that noise you would soon become deranged. Disconcerting even in a short time.
....the potential for an adjacent 10 acre site to be developed with a data center (its disputed at present--but it may be approved). If it is not approved or pending construction as of the effective date of this report, must I mention this as a site impact.?
First, 10 ac. does not make a big data center.
Second, I'd rather have a data center than a warehouse where trucks are coming and going 24 hrs. day. You can hear the beep-beep-beep of trucks backing up a 1/4 mile away. Not to mention the extensive lighting around these warehouses; brightens the whole neighborhood. Also, a data center would probably require a very reliable power supplier so your property would almost never lose power.

Only thing better than a data center would be a new cemetery. Nice and quiet, not much traffic.
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