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Denver Restaurants Write Letters to Mayor

When it comes to violent gang members and/or violenr non-gang members....
Illegal, legal, or US citizen....
I wish they all would get deported....
I don't know. Let's put them on a farm somewhere and grow crops or something else. Like a chain gang.

Now, you are contributing to society.

We will pay you. We will feed you.

Don't get me going on how Church is not doing enough.
The release of the Venezuelan gang member by mayor Johnston and refusing to cooperate with ICE was inexcusable.
No doubt Democrats are gonna fight (and fund) as much as possible to make chaos in the streets like they did Trump's first term. This is why I heard some voted for Biden, because of the chaos the Democrats were making, of course when you give in to terrorists, it doesn't work out how you like.
I got to tour a maximum security prison at Fort Pillow. I worked for Youth conservation corps one summer.

My point is prisoners were pretty much self sustaining. They grew there own crops, etc, etc.

They pretty much grew what they ate and had to maintain it.

I had a little prisoner tour me and he was big. I was too. He said do you know why I am so big? He said they messed with me when I got here. They don't mess with me anymore.
I got to tour a maximum security prison at Fort Pillow. I worked for Youth conservation corps one summer.

My point is prisoners were pretty much self sustaining. They grew there own crops, etc, etc.

They pretty much grew what they ate and had to maintain it.

I had a little prisoner tour me and he was big. I was too. He said do you know why I am so big? He said they messed with me when I got here. They don't mess with me anymore.
You seem to have a habit of getting locked in jail in real time and here in the appraisers forum. :cool:
Don't miss this tantalizing video clip of the mayor and a walker by interrupting a press conference.

If one has a choice; avoid the Denver area. Drive around, never drive through. Only go for work if you have to, take your lunch with you. Get out asap.

You really will see amazing sights like; bums on every corner, shanty towns, addicts laying all over the streets, active police activity, cross dressing men wearing clown tutu's riding mini bikes, a naked man getting bit by a pit bull, midnight bagpipe players by the side of the highway, aloof elitists engaged in a never ending gaudy show of wealth and priveledge, and a hell of a lot of ebikes, everywhere at all times. True stories.

Living in denver. Living the dream. Had the lawn mower, a rake, defined space, he had it all.

There are very high end locations in the Denver area. Who could afford to go there? The latest moves are to give more biking lanes, abandon the notion of minimum required parking space. It's a grand human experiment to see how people live without meaningful access to transportation, and nowhere to park if they do.

homeless tent denver w lawn mower.JPG
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