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digital signatures HELP!

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James Bourgeois

Freshman Member
May 20, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Just bought new machine with XP Pro. When I tried to install digital signature, it told me that it couldn't locate ACI.ini file or report.ini file :?: . I copied them from old machine and put them in appropriate places in new one. Now, the message I get is that it cannot locate the signature portion of the report.ini file.

How do I correct this?
James, .... I may not be able to truly assist you with this one, but I can ask, would you NOT be dealing with an "ACI.sig" file name instead ? Somehow I recall ".sig" being part of file name I received as an e-mailed file from ACI when I ordered the electr. sign. to load into my version 8.1.2 back in the winter months. The "ACI.ini " file you mention is unknown to me ? (not like I have sweeping recall of the ka-zillion of possible file names in the program ). I have not phoned the company in quite a while. Are you aware that they are moving the company HQ to Florida during this month of August ? That was announced several months ago. You might go to their website and send an e-mail to Tech-Support by going to <www.aciweb.com> or else <www.polaroidforms.com>. Ability to reach them by phone may be challenging during the move. Good luck !
Got it done. Went to signatures folder in ACI32, copied to floppy and then pasted into sig folder in new machine. Works like it's supposed to. I was kinda surprised, too, because it isn't often the most direct, simplest approach works with a computer. Sorta like people, eh?
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