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Distiller Help Needed

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Ben Vukicevich SRA

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
New Jersey
Here's my problem.

I use Clickforms and Adobe Distiller. When I printed a file to PDF in Clickforms, Adobe Reader would open automatically when the file was through printing and load the PDF file so I could print my file copy.

Now for some reason (maybe the 9.86 upgrade of Clickforms) this feature is gone. I have to open Reader manually and load the PDF file. It's not a big deal but it was sure nice to have to open automatically amd load the PDF file.

I've checked the file preferences and settings in Distiller and they have not changed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Dunno, Ben ..

I've loaded V9.86, and nuttin' changed w/my distiller. However, sent a file to a realtor friend this week, and (at least) for her no images showed up on her 'puter .. which meant signature, map, and all photos were missing. Worked fine on my machine. Need to ax her if she's got V5.0 of reader installed, though ..
This may be a situation where the Adobe 5.05 patch comes into play.

Microsoft put the Adobe patch up on Microsoft's network.

I myself do not know how to tell you to access it. My guru had to fix mine because the whole system [brand new] was locked up.

I never upgraded to Adobe 5. I still use 4. It just seems strange that it no longer opens and loads the file automatically after I loaded 9.86 of Toolbox.

I sat here, checking boxes and unchecking boxes in Distiller setup and preferences to no avail. It still won't open Reader and load the file after printing.

I'll call Bradford on Monday to see what's up.


Try the patch... it should be on Adobe's website at http://www.adobe.com

If not there, take a look through the menus and try to get Acrobat to check for updates (it's in the Help or Tools menu or something like that)
I think that your problem can be solved in the print properties of Distiller. Go to your printers folder and open the properties tab for the Distiller. Then go to Printing Preferences and then to the Adobe PDF Settings tab. There you should put a check in the box next to "view results in Acrobat." That should display the pdf file after it is printed.

Even with those boxes you mentioned checked, it still would not open Reader after it finished printing. I tried those boxes the first thing when it didn't open Reader automatically. It was driving me crazy because they were checked and no results.....

Just out of curiosity, I ran "msconfig" and checked the Start-up tab. Seems there's a file called Acrobat Assistant which is needed because it was the only thing that mentioned Acrobat in Start-up that was unchecked. I guess it got unchecked when I did the upgrade. Anyway, I checked the Acrobat Assistant file, rebooted and it works just like it did before-Acrobat Reader opens as soon as Distiller is finished printing.

Thanks for everyone's help.

I should have learned by now that if it's working OK, not to mess with it/upgrade.

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