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Do real professionals work weekends?

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Me thinks you speak with forked tongue :roll: .
I pay for “professional” appraisal software support! I pay “extra” for extended hours which include weekends and after hours. It costs more for this extended service and although I’ve been a customer with this same company for over 12 years, they still “expect” to be paid for this extended service 8O . Thank you a la mode :oops: .
It is disrespectful to my attorney or my cleaning lady not to pay for services requested above and beyond there normal services :idea: . If that cost is double or triple the normal fee, I have a choice to employ someone else at a lesser fee. Ya may get what ya pay for :!: :!: :!: .
Yes, there are emergencies that I have done for established clients but most would not ask without offering an extra fee for the service. I have even been know to give my services for free to those who can't afford to employ a professional for tax reduction. Thats my choice and the pay back is worth more than the money.
I'm talking about the jerk that doesn't want to disrupt his/her life for his/her loan or the loan officer that thinks the world revolves around his/her loan.

Years ago I was working for an appraiser who never worked on Saturday but didn't mind if I did. I dropped off some appraisals at one of our best clients and she was shocked that I was working on the weekend. 6 months later she encouraged me to go out on my own saying she would send me business. I did, she has, and its been a great 10 years. You never know what might happen by working on the weekends.

I don't do weekend inspections, and this is why. I live in an area with perhaps 20% of the population are Seventh Day Adventists who shut 'er down Friday afternoon and do no business until after dark saturday. And they are extremely strict about it.

Many listings say "No Saturday Showing". But that has not stopped any of the SDA realtors I know from asking me to work on Sunday. If their sabbath is off limits, then my Lord's day is off limits.
I agree with Dave that professionals tend to work long, late and whenever. In my opinion, professionals work long, late and weekends at two times and for two reasons:

1. In an emergency situation (see Terrels story)

2. When it is their own choice to do so.

What I object to is the assumption on the part of the LO or the owner that since the home owner will be at his/her cottage this weekend, relaxing because he/she worked a long week downstate, I should take time out of my weekend following a long hard week of work, to drive 30 miles to his/her cabin to do the inspection that could have as easily been done during the week by the owner sending me a key or having a neighbor open the house.

I did two FHA appraisals in Sault Ste Marie last year because the FHA appraiser in that area was gone and one of the loans was for a sale. Sure it meant 2 hours drive each way but it was my choice to help the buyers/sellers/brokers out. It would have been a different situation if the LO had assumed that I would go regardless of my workload or schedule. The choice to do it has to be mine.

I have no problem doing something out of the ordinary if the need is there to do it. I do object to someone else assuming that I will give up my time just to accommodate his or her schedule.

Unbelieveable. Well, I shouldnt say that. Knowing yoursoftware cant add and subtract, I shouldnt be suprised by your response. I think it is EXTREMELY unprofessional of you to even ask your attorney, architecht, employees to work weekends or nights without compensation that refelcts their "above and beyond" attitude. Again, I think it is very common for a CEO to think, "Hey, I live, eat, sleep and breathe this company, so should anyone I consider doing business with." It is a very sad post you made Dave. What makes your time so much more valuable then your employees Dave? I hope most of them read this.

Chris hit the nail on the head with you and your company. Your software is so full of bugs it wont install on the first load. (Look it up Dave, I bet there are lots of nice notes about me in the computer.) THen, the only time support will call me back is after 7pm. So I get out the vaseline and buy 24 hour support so I can fix your broken software.

You got my money once Dave. I was determined it wouldnt happen again. After reading your post, it wont happen again.

I respectfully submit that you are out of bounds with your post.

This original post is about professionals working weekends. It is not Dave's software.

If you don't like the software, make a post about it in the appropriate location. Don't attack it here under the guise of commenting on working weekends.

While we are talking about professionalism, please make sure your posts reflect it. Some of you are going toooo far.
Bill, I didn't say I asked -- they offer. It happens all the time, and we do the same. If you're going back and forth through possible times to meet and it becomes clear that finding a common time between 8 and 5 won't work, professionals say "Let's make it work -- how about Saturday?", or whatever.

Bill, we've been back and forth on this math thing here. You got a clear answer, and it only required that you send us an example of it. That's not so unreasonable. But there's no point in taking this thread of track.

Bill-NC, if you hate a la mode so much, y do you continue to use their software....I've been reading these forums for awhile now and its always Bill vs a la mode. The software WILL load on the first install, it worked on mine just fine and everyone i know....but i'm sure your 486 just can't handle the sophisticated program like Athena. If you're so unhappy w/ a la mode, switch. Is it really that hard? Sheesh.
PART of working on a weekend when it appears to be the all around best solution to a situation is to MAINTAIN a continuing relationship with the client.


Personally, I tend to think working weekends is somewhat of a specious argument. If I need that personal time off, I can set an appointment to have time off whenever I want it -- so, I don't really have to lose that time.

I may not be a fair participant in this discussion, anyway, because I would do this job whether you paid me or not: "Will appraise for food, shelter and lots of love and just a little appreciation!" [If necessary, I can hit the number too ... Not!]
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