You know what Pamela, I re-read a post I made back in April on this subject............geez, seems like YEARS ago. I still feel that is reality but I wanted to add this.............Although I do not attend any meetings with the state I do talk to the state all the time. I don't take review work because I cannot get my clients to stop blacking out the name of the original appraiser. The state is not going to have anyone but their own appraisers on staff reviewing, believe me. I was talking to a state investigator the other day (he was an independant in my area a long, long time ago, started only a year before me) and he asked me why I am not doing review and I told him...............the lenders won't reveal the name of the appraiser and if I see something that is obviously fraudulent what do I do with it? He says 'good answer" but what do you do with it???? Most of the complaints are from the disgruntled homeower, as far as I can see, there is no realistic way for a working appraiser to "turn in" other appraisers.
A family member worked for an appraisal firm outside of my business for a while. She quit on my advise. The things she told me they were doing were horrifying. Let me just say these things without revealing much:
1. If you have ACI, call them and password protect your account. Anyone can d/l the signature form, sign anyones name put a cc# in and get a signature disk for ACI software, they don't even check that the cc# matches the person ordering, however, you do need an acct. to order the disk. Password protection of your ACI acct. protects you from forgery. Ultimately, anyone can order the software ( they only need your company phone number) and produce a forgery for your signature and produce their own appraisal report on ACI. I confronted ACI on this breach of security some time ago and they offered to password protect my acct. Works well, I have never been able to license, order or get tech support without giving them my password.
2. In the top bar of the report, replace your company name with:
LENDER: ......... this prevents the altering of the report by printing certain pages and editing other to match (2nd page of ACI files cannot be edited due to signatures but first page can in PDF format and changing the Lender name follows to all pages of the report, lender name is not on the 2nd page of the form traditionally).
3. Locked PDF's can be altered easily by clever techs.
I do not send PDF's, only ACI files, they are more secure. Lenders can d/l the ACI viewer from the aciweb site to view and print.
I have had these breaches demonstrated to me on my own computer, scary stuff.
Notified my clients of these possiblities and of course, they are not as concerned as I am. Amazing but this is why the loan officers and mortgage lenders should be as equally regulated as the appraisers. :lol: