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Do You Ever Get Spooked When Appraising Vacant Homes?

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Have you ever seen it. How exactly are you able to see carlights from miles away through the woods? Is it similar to seeing water in the desert?
If you do down the state line road from Joplin (or up from Seneca, MO) there is a road into Oklahoma and you look down this road. The problem with saying it is merely the lights of cars 10 miles to the west is that at times it has been recorded against a hill... So if it is headlights there must be some sort of refraction of the lights onto the road. And it does appear to break up into a prism of light upon occasion. I went there one time and never saw it.

Yes, and I sincerely hope and trust that you all adequately reported and analyzed your observations, explained the effects on marketability, and applied appropriate adjustments for the stigmatisms (This, after you changed your pants!! Y i i i i i i i i i i i k e s !!!!!!!!!)
First open line at the bottom of the grid is where you put the Ghostbusters adjustment. :leeann2:
The only thing I find creepy about REOs is the drawings on the walls in the kids bedrooms.....and seriously don't think I've done a single REO that didn't have them.

The creepiest are the rural estate properties that have been vacant for decades. Usually the heir is out of state and hasn't seen the property in years. Honestly think they're looking more for someone to check on the property than appraise it. Did one a few months ago that I swear I've been driving by twice a day for 15 years and never knew there was a structure 100 ft off the road. Exterior was so over grown pics only showed a bump covered in greenery.

Get probably a handful of winners every year. All are super creepy. As soon as you enter one the creeks and groans and weird noises start. I've lived in too many old houses to get freaked out tho. The wife has come with me on a few and wasn't quite as calm.

Also redo the same ones every couple years and get to see nature taking back the site. Kinda cool actually.
We actually owned a 'haunted house' was the old home place. You could hear people talking, playing dominoes, etc. apparition of my deceased grandmother would come visiting, seen numerous times. We finally sold the home. People who bought it, lasted a year before putting it back on the market.
The only thing I find creepy about REOs is the drawings on the walls in the kids bedrooms.....and seriously don't think I've done a single REO that didn't have them.

The dolls and the toys that still make noise are pretty creepy.

I've lived in too many old houses to get freaked out tho. The wife has come with me on a few and wasn't quite as calm.

Same here. Wife thinks any home in the woods is creepy. I actually grew up in a century old home with a basement [again rare here in Texas]. It also had a large attic with dormers on all sides which was actually a maids quarters. You'd think I'd be used to it but NOT. Having to check the water heater in the basement and having mannequins in the attic was lots of fun!
I bring the dog with me to vacant REO homes. A couple weeks ago I had an inspection of a vacant REO where the local government was buying it and I had to meet a lady there. I decided to leave the dog home. We got there and the home had been broken into. Guy next door said there were frequent drug addicts hanging out in the place. I should have brought the dog.
No I carry a pistol. If I have time I will carry the dogs, let them in and follow with the pistol. IIRC, a ghost ain't afraid of no dog or pistol.
The REOs that have been vacant for some time wherein there's personal belongings left scattered throughout the house - the ones that haven't yet been cleaned out. Kids rooms, still with their shoes, toys, cartoon curtains, crayons and teddy bears left behind in corners. Family pictures strewn about - photo albums, boxes with sports trophy's, closets with clothes still on hangers.

These houses look like the familes just disappeared - poof - and left a portion of their life behind. Like, where are these people now, where did they go, and how are they living? What's left behind often tells a sad story. These are the ones that bother me the most. And I usually leave feeling very grateful for what I do have.
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No I carry a pistol. If I have time I will carry the dogs, let them in and follow with the pistol. IIRC, a ghost ain't afraid of no dog or pistol.

Visual of a of a bounty hunter. :LOL:

Thanks for the chuckles!
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