Folks are way over thinking this
No matter how much time you spend trying to get an accurate idea of rentals vs owner occupied, when the lender orders the condo questionnaire ( also called an estoppel letter) the numbers from the HOA is going to be different anyway. And the client is going to ask you to change it anyway
Get an approximate idea by looking up on the MLS ,rentals in the subject condo, and/or a few pages of tax records, how many of the names have a different address. Extrapolate results of a fwe pages to the whole. What are the condo's rental rules ?That information is usually on MLS listings. Condos that allow unlimited rentals usually have a higher ratio of rented units. Condos that have some rental restrictions, such as no leasing allowed the first 2 years of ownership, typically have a lower ratio of leased units.
State that the information is an estimate since the HOA would not disclose the information, and that the number of rentals/owner occupied units might differ in the estoppel letter. Do not make an EA, because as has been stated forever , no additional EA is permitted in URAR form appraisals.