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Does the Government have Appraisers?

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Our local tax assessor probably makes a ton of money and all the fringe benefits. If they are certified appraiser, it could not hurt.
Yeah the guy whose salary is public information "probably" makes a ton of money :rof:I suspect based on my experience no directors would get any extra for being licensed as a fee appraiser. We have to become certified as assessors with a different set of educational courses and continuing ed. We must also be competent enough to write USPAP compliant narrative reports for appeals that go onto court. The "extra" pay is the promotion you wait for while proving your competency. That is unless you think 100K in SD is a "ton" of money for a competent appraiser with 15+ years of experience. Pay is also extremely tied to county population size/ parcel count/ growth/ scope of reappraisal.
I could guess what those appraisers make that work for VA in Atlanta. It is pretty high salary and good benefits. They work their tail off though. I will guess it is somewhere between $60K and 80K + in salary. Plus all the fringe benefits. 40 hours and all the federal holidays. Some of them may make more than $80K in salary alone. Approaching $100K a year with fringe benefits.
The down side is if you could get the job, many would have to move near an RLC to take the job. Like you would have to pretty much live real close to Atlanta to work in that RLC.
Idk on FHA but I bet many of those appraisers make really good money along with appraisers that work for all the Federal Bank Regulators.
The down side is if you could get the job, many would have to move near an RLC to take the job. Like you would have to pretty much live real close to Atlanta to work in that RLC.
Not exactly true...anymore.
Not exactly true...anymore.
Might be able to work from home for them. Idk. I just know that some them make really good money and excellent fringe benefits.

On federal bank regulators, many of them use like auditors and train them but an appraisal license would be feather in hat to get the job. Bunch of traveling there going and auditing banks and other lenders. But they pay your travel expenses.

I am sure the federal bank regulators have appraisers in office or at home that don't travel and just do more auditing and supervision. When they audit a bank, they go in with a team of auditors.

They audit on site of the bank.
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Just like a very good appraiser I have known a very long time. He had a big appraisal practice with three offices in TN. Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville. He sold out a few years ago when appraisal management companies came in the business. He went to work for a very large bank as head of appraisal dept. He makes really good money with excellent benefits.
Yes the government has appraisers. There are several groups spread around many different departments. Yes this job has its perks. Benefits are pretty good. And this job is a lot more fun on a salary.

Our group in FSA has about 30 appraisers across the county. Some of us work out of USDA offices. Many of us work from home. About 1/3rd of the job is doing appraisals, 1/3rd is reviewing other's appraisals, and 1/3rd is dealing with the bureaucracy. One of my coworkers came over from the VA. He didn't do much in the way of appraisals there.

It's a great gig. But a union??? Can't say we have one of those.
Why would you want a good fed job with benes when you can take an AMC job in the sticks including 4 hours total drive time then have it canceled that day for a $100 trip fee :cryingsmiley:
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