I may be wrong since USPAP is a "living" document and has been changed to catch loopholes and cover the ASB's rear like every other ...nevermind. Anyway, it was my understanding that appraising subject to a "hypothetical condition" is fine AS LONG AS THE HYPOTHETICAL CONDITION is LEGAL AND REASONABLY ATTAINABLE (lots of room there to CYA). If the appraiser has knowledge that the condition is pure conjecture or instructed to ignore the fact that it could not be attained, then the appraisal can be considered "misleading" and I would assume that the appraiser can be held liable for producing a misleading report. As a ridiculous example, say I am apprasing a detached single family dwelling surrounded by 800 single family dwellings. However, "hypothetically" I see conversion of the site to office buildings in the future (WAY in the future). I build a "hypothetical" 40 story office building and label the report "HYPOTHETICAL". I think THAT could be considered "misleading".