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Elon appreciation thread

My son has friends who work for Space X. They say Elon is down to earth, talks to them, and is a cool guy.

Some of the things Musk says are taken out of context. That's the media's job.... sensationalism. I mean...who's not going to take pot shots at the richest guy in the world?
I decided early in my life that if I ever got really rich (lottery rich)....
I'd be a prick.... :)
44 billion is drop in the bucket to a man who is worth quarter trillion. And writing down its value probably has a tax benefit. And the platform is basically 85% of what it was, and missing? A ton of dead weight - non-performing employees, mostly liberal influencers. That's what Biden hated about it. He could call most of the other platforms and make them push down the voice of his political foes...and he still does on FB, etc.
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